Chapter Twenty-Two

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The walk through the firehouse was nerve-wracking. Buck squeezed Eddie's hand hard, his fingers shaking. Yes, this was a big step, but in Eddie's mind, it was nothing to be scared of. They were being honest with some of the people they cared most for. 

They found their crew upstairs in the common area, sitting in various places. Chimney was playing a video game with Hen, and Captain Nash was talking with Lila, the new recruit. Lila spotted them first, and he watched as she shifted, touching her hair. She was beautiful, he supposed, but not his type. Buck was his type.  

He was self conscious about the fact that he was still holding Buck's hand, and that Lila and Nash's eyes flickered instantly to their interlocking fingers. But Eddie stood his ground, just clutched his love's hand tighter. 

"Of course," Nash said, rolling his eyes, but smiling. 

Buck breathed out, his body relaxing. Hen got up, silent for a moment, before blurting out, "I knew it!" She turned to Chimney. "You owe me twenty bucks." 

"What?" Buck demanded. 

Eddie just smiled. "They've been taking bets, it seems." 

"I know that!" Buck said, his cheeks pink. 

Hen reached out a hand as Chimney pulled out his wallet. "Well, you two were not subtle." 

Buck blushed deeper. 

"It's nothing to be embarrassed about. We're just all happy that you two are finally together." She continued. "It was exhausting watching you two play hot and cold." 

"I-I didn't realize that you were so into our relationship," Buck said, pulling his hand from Eddie's and crossing his arms. 

"We're just all happy that you're together," she smirked. 

The disembodied voice accompanied by the blaring of the alarm commenced, and everyone hurried to their stations. 


It was strange picking up Christopher with Eddie, but it felt like we were taking our relationship seriously. I was honored that he had introduced me to his son at all, and now that Christopher and I had made some sort of peace, I knew that I wanted to be in his life more. To get to know him and to build some semblance of a relationship with him.

I just hoped that he didn't think that I was trying to be another parent. 

He looked happy to see us, greeting us both enthusiastically. Eddie helped his son into the back passenger seat of the truck, and then we were head home. 

To our home. 

We'd talked again today, and I would move in three weeks. After my birthday.

I wanted time to make sure that Maddie was okay, and to make a smooth transition. Especially for Christopher. 

Tonight, I would be spending the night. Part of me thought that it was a way for Eddie to make sure that Corrine didn't try anything again. The other, more logical part, told me it was because he truly loved me and wanted to fall asleep next to me. 

I felt lighter now that we'd told those we worked with that we were an item. Like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. 

So much had happened today, and it would be nice to just go home and relax. Make a good meal, and spend time with the person that meant the most to me. 

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