Chapter Twenty-Three

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Shannon: Hey Evan, I was just wondering if you wanted to grab a coffee sometime. 

I stared at my phone. Why was she texting me? Did Eddie give her my number? 

The last thing I wanted was to meet with his wife for coffee. But, I also wanted to be in good standing with her. I wanted to keep a positive relationship with her and Christopher. I didn't hate her, I just had no opinion of her. 

"What's wrong?" Eddie asked, for what felt like the hundredth time today. 

We were at work, waiting for a call. It had only been this morning that I learned that my parents were flying in this weekend. Now this? 

"Your wife is texting me," I said, my voice emotionless. 

He frowned. "What does she want?" 

"To have coffee." I held my phone out to him so he could read the text. 

"Do you want to have coffee with her?" 

I shrugged. 

"If you don't," he said, handing my phone back to me, "I'll talk to her." 

I took my phone, crossing my arms. I didn't think that she would be like Corrine, trying to break me and Eddie up. From the times that he'd met with her so far after them deciding to separate, he'd only had good things to say. They were trying to make their separation amiable, not malicious and bitter. For the sake of their son, they would have to do this smoothly and as civilly as possible.

"I'll think about," I said. 

He looked around us. No one was paying attention. He pressed a quick kiss to my forehead. "You don't have to do anything you don't want to do. You know that?" 

"I never would," I pointed out. 

A hand on my shoulder caused me to jump a little. Turning, I found Bobby standing behind me. "Can I talk to you for a moment?" he asked. 

I nodded, following him to his office. My heart was beating fast. Last time I'd been in here, I'd nearly gotten fired. 

He took a seat behind his desk, I stayed standing, too nervous to sit. 

"I just want to apologize for how I acted last time I found out about you two." 

"Uh... apology accepted." 

"It was wrong, and I hoped that I didn't make you or Eddie feel as though you couldn't be open about yourselves. I saw how not being together was a struggle for both of you, and I'm pleased that you're both able to take such a professional approach to being a couple." 

"We didn't feel that way," I said. "We had some things to figure out before we could be together." 

"Like his separation?" 

"That's one of them." I murmured. "I just want to thank you and everyone for being so supportive now that we've come out." 

"You're our family," Bobby said. "Just invite us to the wedding if you two ever get married," he winked. 

I smiled nervously. 

There was that word again. Marriage.

If you can live with him, you can marry him. Just allow yourself to be happy. I told myself. 

"Of course," I said. "Are we done, Captain?" 

"Yes. Of course. I know you're eager to get back to him." He smiled. 

I nodded, though that wasn't why I wanted to escape. 

The conversation had turned from heartfelt to awkward, though it was awkward on my part. 

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