Chapter Nine

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I instructed Eddie on where to go. The hotel was close to the restaurant, and like Google Maps said, only took us a few minutes to reach.

Eddie's eyes were bright with mischief when we parked, and I knew that he had something wicked planned.

As we got out of the truck, he reached behind his seat and picked up a red duffle bag. My skin prickled at the sight of it. Not in a bad way, but more in a way of desire and pleasure. Things would get kinky tonight, I was certain of it.

We checked into the hotel. I didn't look at Eddie as I said my name and handed over my credit card; he was gazing at me with a heady, hot look, which stirred my blood and caused my body to harden.

The helpful attendant handed me a key card and told us to enjoy our stay. 

Oh, we will. I wanted to say. 

The lobby of the hotel was opulently furnished and stylish. It was a nice hotel, and I was glad that I'd picked it, even if it had been a little pricey. 

We made our way to the bank of elevators, and once inside, I couldn't take the tension anymore. Feeling bold, I gently pushed Eddie up against the wall, my lips finding his. He moaned in surprise causing his mouth to open. I pushed my tongue between his open lips, mine twisting and dancing with his. He pulled me close, his hands on my hips. I could feel his arousal brushing against mine, which only spurred me on. My hand moved to the back of his head, my fingers curling into his soft hair. His hands moved to the small of my back. 

I needed to be closer... closer... 

Suddenly the doors opened. We were on our floor. 

Panting and grinning like idiots, we got out of the elevator. 

My cheeks felt flushed, my blood thrumming hot and thick through my veins. 

Would it always be like this? Hot and passionate? 

I hoped so. I wanted nothing to change. And if it had to change, only for the better. 

I knew that we could do this. That we could defy the odds. We could build something healthy and wonderful. We could better ourselves to be with each other. 

I would always worship him. Always show him just how much he meant to me. And I knew he felt the same way. 

Just as long as he doesn't lie again... 

"What room is it?" 

His voice pulled me from my thoughts. Shaking my head, I looked down at the card key. 

"904," I told him. 

He nodded, stopping at one of the doors. 

Our door. Our room for the night. 

Needing to get him inside and naked, I pushed the key card into the slot on the door. The small light blinked green, and I opened the door. Suddenly, as I entered the room, I felt shy. 

It was stupid. He was my boyfriend, my partner. We'd done so many things together that there was no reason I should feel shy. 

His eyes told me that he was feeling the same way. He set the bag on the floor in front of one of the beds, loosening his tie. 

For the first time that night, I registered what he was wearing -- he was wearing a black suit that highlighted the dark strands of hair that were mixed in with the lighter strands of brown and caramels. Underneath, he wore a crisp white shirt and a dark red tie. He looked beyond handsome, and I wondered how this god of a man could be meant for me. 

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