Chapter Sixteen

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"Thanks for watching Chris," 

Helen smiled. "It was nothing. I'm just glad that everything is okay." 

Eddie nodded, clutching his son close, who's head rested on his shoulder. The boy was deep asleep, and didn't wake up when Eddie had picked him up. 

Chris was small for his age, but he was growing. Eddie could have sworn that he was bigger than he had been a few days ago. 

"Is everything okay, sweetheart?" 

His mother reached out a hand and brushed a piece of Eddie's hair off his forehead. He knew how he looked -- tired and stressed. He wasn't sure how he should feel considering everything that had happened in the last few hours -- concerned obviously -- but beyond that... He was afraid. Afraid for Maddie and Buck. Afraid for what the future would now hold. 

Buck had communicated his concerns about moving in now, when his sister needed him. And Eddie hated that he felt a pang of jealousy. He wanted to move forward in his relationship with Buck, but how could he push that if his partner was afraid? When his partner was hesitant? 

Sighing, he said goodbye to his mother, and then walked the distance to his truck. When had life gotten so complicated? 

Since Buck, the voice at the back of his head whispered. 

It wasn't wrong. Buck had complicated his life more than he'd anticipated. But he'd also felt alive. More alive than he ever had. 

He knew that Buck was his soul mate, and it was a terrifying thought. He'd always thought that Shannon was. But when he met Buck, he felt an instant connection. 

Closing his eyes, he pulled the passenger door open. Opening his eyes, he pulled the seat forward, exposing the back seat, and Christopher's booster seat. 

He strapped him in, placing his canes on the floor. 

Closing the door, he walked around to the driver's side. 

His phone rang. It was a number he didn't recognize. He didn't answer it. But, as he was strapping himself in, the number appeared again. 

Maybe it was Maddie, he thought. 

"Hello?" he asked, expecting to hear Buck's sister's voice. 

And it was a voice he recognized, even though he had only heard it twice. 

"Leave him alone." The voice said. 

"Excuse me?" he demanded. Corrine. 

"Leave him alone. You're not good for him." 

His back stiffened. "How did you get this number?" 

But she had hung up. 

Dazed, he put his truck into gear, and drove in the direction of his house. 

I felt unable to sleep, even though it was midnight.

I would close my eyes, and then be pulled back to reality. My mind was moving a million miles an hour. When I closed them, all I could see was Maddie sitting in the back of the ambulance. The fear and defeat in her eyes. 

I wanted to protect her, but how could I when I was trying to live my own life? 

I wanted a life with Eddie, but the cost would be losing my sister. Because if Doug had showed up tonight -- and he knew where she was -- then he would find her again. 

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