Chapter Nineteen

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Eddie and I stood at the sink, washing dishes. He bumped his hip into mine from time to time, smiling as he dried whatever he was holding.

Why was this man so adorable?

I liked being here, I found. It was comforting, the house full of life and love. I could see myself living here, waking up next to Eddie every morning. I still felt guilty that I was leaving my sister in the apartment by herself. But we talked more about it with Eddie while we ate breakfast, and she reminded me that I would only be a phone call or a text away. If she needed anything, she would let me know.

I knew that she wanted me to live my life. I still felt anxious, but this would be a good change.

We were ready for this.

"You look deep in thought," Eddie commented, the dish towel slung over his shoulder.

"What are we going to tell people at work?"

"What do you mean?"

I stopped washing the pan in my hand, turning to face him. "Well, we're moving in together. How do we explain that to Bobby? To Hen? To Chimney?"

He closed the distance between us, kissing my forehead.

"We tell them that we're in love and that we're going to spend our lives together."

I bit my lip.

"I nearly got fired last time this came out."

"We show Bobby that we can be professional. I mean, last time, I did have you pushed up against a wall."

My whole body heated at the memory. I could practically feel his lips, his hands on my body as we made out.

"God, we were so stupid." I laughed.

"We still are." He pointed out. "But we're figuring this out."

"Yeah. We are."

I kissed him. He didn't seem to care that my hands were wet. He pulled me close, gasping slightly as our bodies met. I could feel how solid his body was beneath his t-shirt. Could feel the contours of his muscles...

"Oh God,"

We pull away. Maddie is standing in the entryway of the kitchen, though she's smiling.

"You guys can barely keep your hands off each other." She said, moving to sit down at the kitchen table, turning a chair to face us.

"That's what happens when you're irrevocably in love." Eddie said, causing me to roll my eyes.

"I want to go back to the apartment."

"What?" I demanded.

She shrugged. "Someone's got to clean up. And besides, I can't be scared of that place."

"I'll go and clean up." I said, pulling the towel off of Eddie's shoulder and using it to dry my hands.

"Evan. Stop. You don't have to do everything for me."

"Madison. You don't need to go back there if you're not ready. There's no rush."

Eddie nodded. "You can stay here as long as you like."

"I do appreciate that. But I'm meeting someone who's going to install a security system. I already called the landlady and ran it by her. I'm getting the locks changed this afternoon. I can do this. I'm not scared of him anymore."

I chewed on my lip again. I knew she was brave. She was the bravest person I knew.

"You stay here and live your life. You two should take Christoper and go do something. I promise that I will come back when I'm done."

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