Chapter Twelve

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Eddie knew that it had only been a week since he'd seen his son, but that did nothing to lessen the feeling of content joy he felt in embracing Christopher, who clung to him as though he would never let his dad go.

It felt strange to be back in his house. Strange knowing that Shannon was back in his life, but that this would not be a messy divorce.

For two years, he'd allowed himself to dream of the day he could divorce her. It was easier than admitting that he missed her. Easier than giving into the grief that had threatened to consume his anger.

He did miss her, but what they used to have.

But, he also knew that they were both different people than they had been two years ago.

"Hi, Dad," Chris said, tightening his arms around Eddie's neck. 

"Hey, Bud." It felt so good to hold his son. Tears welled in his eyes.

They pulled away from each other, and Eddie cupped his son's cheek, marveling at how he hadn't changed. Of course, it hadn't been any time at all in the grand scheme of things, but Eddie had changed. 

"Are you hungry?" he asked, standing. 

Christopher nodded, but then a look of confusion crossed his face. "Where's Mom?" 

Eddie rubbed the back of his neck. How could he explain everything? That he was here to stay for good, and that Shannon was moving out? It would only serve to confuse the poor boy. 

So much had changed for Christopher in such a short amount of time. 

So much had changed for Eddie. 


"So, this is your house," I said, walking into the living room. 

It was cozy; the floors were hardwood, the walls painted a soft green. The room was cluttered, but not messy, with books stacked in front of others on the bookshelves, movies haphazardly put back on their shelf. 

The house felt lived in. 

Eddie took my hand. "Yeah. This is it." 

He seemed comfortable again, the tension gone from his shoulders. I knew that he was where he belonged, with his son. 

I was beyond happy that Shannon had allowed him to live with his son again. 

"What time are we going to your mother's?" I asked. 

He shrugged. "Any time after four." 

I nodded. I was nervous to be meeting his mother, but he assured me that this is what he wanted to do. He wanted me to be apart of his family. 

Christopher was sitting on the sofa, watching some sort of kid's show. He looked up at me, greeted me, then turned back to his show. 

I expected this, this indifference from Chris. 

"He'll warm to you," Eddie said, placing a hand on my shoulder. "He's just confused." 

I nodded again. So much had changed for Christopher. 

So much had changed for all of us. 

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