Chapter Seven

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This job gave Eddie a sense of purpose.

As he performed CPR on the woman who was no longer breathing, he felt as though he'd found his calling. Stopping the compressions, he pinched her nose and closed his lips around hers, breathing in.

Suddenly, she gasped, coughing, spitting up the water that had filled her lungs. He gently rolled her onto her side so that she didn't choke.

His eyes instantly went to Buck, who was a little ways down the beach. He was questioning one of the bystanders, trying to figure out what happened.

Buck was tall, beyond handsome, his dark blond hair tousled by the breeze that was coming off the ocean. He looked good in the navy uniform.

Don't think about that! he scolded himself. He was here to do a job, not ogle over his boyfriend. He and Hen checked the woman's vitals and her responses before loading her into the ambulance.

Tonight, Eddie wanted to do something special. Something to show his appreciation for Buck, he just wasn't sure what. Maybe a nice dinner, and then they could go back to Buck's, and they could try something different.

Something kinky.

He wondered if Buck had ever been tied up and blindfolded before. Probably not considering that his submissive behavior was new, reserved only for Eddie.

A vision of Buck trussed up in his bed, his cock hard and his body trembling as he waited for whatever it was Eddie was going to do to him, popped into his head. He shifted in his seat as they drove to the hospital. What was wit him today? What was with the wayward thoughts?

He needed to focus, or he would give himself away.

Chimney and Hen already knew that he met someone. But not who.

He wanted desperately to be able to tell someone about Buck, but that would spell disaster for both of them.

"You okay?" Hen asked.

"Yeah. Fine. Just thinking."


He forced a smile on his lips. "Wanting to do something with Christopher this weekend."

She returned his smile, and started telling him about the things he could do with his son.

The rest of the day passed slowly, but by the time his shift was over, he was ready to just be with Buck. He wanted to hold him close, to kiss him, to feel his body against his. He'd already made a reservation for Rossoblu for eight, giving them a few hours to get ready. He was making a plan of what to grab when he went home, a list in his head of what supplies he needed to grab.

He tried not to watch Buck as he undressed. He would be able to look at him all night. He longed to run his fingers along his abdominal muscles and feel how smooth and raised they are, to run his teeth along the stubble Buck hadn't shaved this morning, to feel how soft his hair was between his fingers.

But that would come in due time.

"We're going out tonight," he said once he and Buck were out of earshot of everyone.

"Oh?" Buck's mood hadn't seemed to improve throughout the day. He was still down, still in a sour mood. "What's the occasion?"

Eddie shrugged, taking his hand. His hand was just a little bigger than Eddie's. He interlaced their fingers, reveling in the way it felt to hold his true love's hand.

"You've had a bad day. I just thought that it would be nice to take you out for a few hours."

A small smile cracked Buck's lips.

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