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The brisk winds of the Narrow Sea swept across Dragonstone, as Visenya, astride her mighty dragon Vermithor, soared through the sky. Her silver hair flowed behind her, mirroring the powerful wings of the dragon that beat rhythmically against the air.
Dragonstone's craggy cliffs and obsidian shores stretched below, a stark contrast to the vastness above.

The dragon's scales shimmered like molten gold in the sunlight, a breathtaking sight that struck awe into the hearts of those who dared to look up. the bronze fury, the kings of dragons as many called him.

Visenya rode with the grace of a true dragonrider, a legacy passed down through generations

Dragonstome beneath transformed into a sprawling canvas of distant landscapes. The wind, a playful companion, tousled her long silver hair as they soared through the vast expanse of the open sky. The rhythmic beat of Vermithor's wings created a symphony of flight, carrying them higher and higher.

The sensation of weightlessness embraced Visenya, a liberating dance between dragon and rider. The horizon, an uncharted frontier, stretched infinitely before them. As they cut through the air, the worries and burdens of the world below seemed to vanish, replaced by an overwhelming sense of freedom.

As Vermithor circled the island, Visenya surveyed the ancestral seat of House Targaryen. One of the last reminders of the greatness of Old Valyria. The towers and walls of Dragonstone stood testament to years of Targaryen rule, their imposing presence a constant reminder of the family's connection to dragons. The castle's dark stone seemed to absorb the warmth of the sun, creating an otherworldly contrast to the cerulean sky.

Together they soared above the island, Visenya's laughter soared through the air. A testament to the unbreakable bond they shared. A bond forged by two lost and lonely souls, they understood each other. It was a language spoken in the unspoken, a harmony born of mutual respect and understanding. 

Visenya guided Vermithor with subtle movements, a silent communication between dragon and rider that spoke of years of trust and companionship. Together, they executed intricate aerial maneuvers, weaving through the air with a dance-like precision that showcased the bond forged between Targaryen and dragon, as many of her ancestors did before her. 

Descending toward the courtyard, Visenya and Vermithor landed with a ground-shaking thud. The people of Dragonstone gathered below, their faces a mix of reverence and fear. Visenya dismounted with an effortless grace, her hand resting affectionately on Vermithor's scaled neck. An understanding passed between them. With a regal command, spoken in a language known only to them, Visenya instructed Vermithor to take flight once more 

"Kostā jikagon ñuha jorrāelagon, ao gōntan sȳrī tubī" she said to him caring. (" You can go my love, you did well today") 

As she stepped away, watching her dragon rise into the sky, there was a bittersweet smile on Visenya's lips. The dragon's wings beat against the air, and the two figures—one on the ground, the other soaring above—exchanged a final, poignant glance. Vermithor, obedient to his rider's command, circled above the castle before disappearing into the distant horizon. 

"Visenya" Jacaerys called out as he walked into the courtyard, the wind carrying his words as he greeted his sister. "Quite the entrance you made sister" Jace spoke with a warm smile on his face. 

Visenya turned to her brother, a grin playing on her lips. "As always brother" she paused "You know how much I love to make my presence known" she chuckled. 

Jacaerys , maintaining the warmth in his expression but Visenya could see the worry in his eyes, leaned in slightly to speak to Visenya. "Visenya, Mother and Daemon have urgent matters they wish to discuss with you" he paused before he continued "They await your presence in the great hall"

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