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The dimly lit corridors echoed with the subdued sounds of footsteps as Visenya walked briskly, trailing behind her mother and father. the flickering torchlight casting shadows that mirrored the lingering tension in the air.

The victory in the petition had brought relief, but a new wave of unease and nervousness consumed Visenya's thoughts. What perplexed her most was the unanticipated revelation about potential betrothals involving her brothers and her half-sisters, a development her parents hadn't disclosed beforehand.

As they approached her parents shared chambers, She took a deep breath, summoning the courage to address the unspoken questions that lingered in her mind.

She gathered her courage to seek clarity on the decisions that unfolded in the throne room. She took a deep breath, summoning the courage to address the unspoken questions that lingered in her mind. The time had come to seek understanding and navigate the nuances of her family's decisions.

Stepping into the chambers, she prepared herself for a direct conversation with her parents, a conversation that would shed light on the decision. 

The familiarity of the chamber enveloped Visenya as she stepped inside, reminiscent of the haven it had been during her childhood. The walls whispered echoes of memories, and the flickering torchlight cast a warm glow, creating an atmosphere untouched by the changes that Queen Alicent's influence had wrought upon other parts of the Red Keep.

Visenya took a moment to absorb the details—the ornate tapestries that adorned the walls, the polished furniture, and the comforting arrangement of personal items. It was a sanctuary preserved from the winds of change, offering solace in the midst of political storms.

As she settled into the room, the questions that had lingered in her mind surfaced once again. The chamber, with its unyielding constancy, became a backdrop for the upcoming conversation. Visenya's gaze turned towards her mother. 

Rhaenyra met Visenya's gaze, the weight of the unspoken question hanging in the air like a heavy cloak. Visenya, fueled by a mixture of curiosity and a sense of betrayal, confronted her mother with the question that had lingered unvoiced.

"Why make these betrothals without informing me, Mother?" Visenya's voice held a mix of frustration and hurt, a daughter seeking understanding in the face of decisions that seemed to shape her destiny without her knowledge.

Rhaenyra, aware of the storm brewing within her daughter, took a measured breath before responding. "Visenya, these decisions were made with the intent of securing the future of our House. It's a complex web of alliances and considerations."

Visenya, however, wasn't easily swayed. The sense of exclusion lingered, and she pressed on. "But why exclude me? Am I not part of our House's future? Don't I deserve to know?"

Rhaenyra's gaze softened, recognizing the pain in her daughter's eyes. "Visenya, you are indeed a vital part of our House's future. These decisions were made in haste, and I should have communicated better. For that, I apologize."

The acknowledgment eased Visenya's frustration, but the questions still lingered. As the chamber held the echoes of their conversation, it became a space where the complexities of familial bonds and political decisions converged, awaiting resolution.

Visenya's question hung in the air, laden with the weight of unfulfilled promises and shifting expectations. The sense of being pushed aside for her brother, Jacaerys, lingered in her mind, stirring a mixture of confusion and disappointment.

"Why now, Mother?" Visenya's voice carried a hint of vulnerability, a daughter seeking clarity about the plans that seemed to reshape her future. "You always said I would marry Jacaerys and that we would rule together. Why change that?"

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