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As Visenya walked alone through the Red Keep, the halls seemed to whisper the passage of time. The familiar contours of the castle had undergone a transformation that left her scarcely recognizing the once-familiar corridors.

The unfamiliar symbols of the Faith of the Seven now adorned the walls, replacing the proud three-headed dragons that had been a symbol of her family's rule. The air was thick with the weight of change, and a tumult of emotions swirled within Visenya as she scarcely recognized the castle she had once called home.

A sense of sadness and anger simmered beneath the surface as she walked through the echoing halls. The Red Keep, once a testament to the Targaryen lineage, had undergone a profound metamorphosis during their absence.

The walls that had witnessed generations of Targaryen rule now bore the marks of a different influence. The three-headed dragon sigils, once a testament to their Valyrian lineage, had given way to the seven-pointed stars that symbolized the Faith. It was a visual shift that resonated with the changing tides. 

Visenya's footsteps, though echoing in the silence, seemed to be drowned out by the volume of the alterations around her. The subtle nuances of the castle's transformation were not lost on her discerning violet eyes, and a heavy realization settled within her that the Hightowers were behind this. 

As she moved through the altered corridors, Visenya's emotions intensified. The anger simmered as she felt the weight of her family's legacy being eroded, and the sadness deepened as she mourned the loss of the Red Keep as she knew it. The castle, once their home, had become a canvas for the Hightowers, and Visenya grappled with the unsettling truth that they have the power here. 

Concealing the storm of emotions stirring within her, Visenya walked through the transformed Red Keep with a mask of composure. The weight of anger, sadness, and frustration was hidden behind a veil of practiced neutrality.

The echoes of her footsteps were accompanied by the resolute determination to keep the turmoil within her guarded, a testament to the necessity of maintaining a regal facade amid the shifting tides of power. The castle's walls may have changed, but Visenya, like a dragon in repose, kept her emotions fiercely guarded, unwilling to let anyone glimpse the vulnerability that lay beneath the surface.

Setting her emotions aside, Visenya walked through the transformed corridors of the Red Keep, the weight of change hanging in the air like an unspoken truth. Guided by the echoes of familiarity, she made her way toward the training yard, where the resonating clash of swords and the rhythmic dance of combat summoned memories of her childhood. 

Visenya rounded a corner, and the training yard came into view. The familiar sight of armored figures engaged in combat, the metallic resonance of blades, and the shouts of encouragement formed a tableau of camaraderie that transcended the castle's changing facade.

With a measured breath, Visenya stepped into the training yard, Visenya's eyes quickly scanned the familiar surroundings. Amidst the clatter of blades and the rhythmic cadence of training, she spotted her brothers, Jacaerys and Lucerys, standing side by side. 

Relief washed over Visenya as she approached her brothers in the training yard, for amidst the transformed Red Keep, the sight of Lucerys and Jacaerys provided a semblance of the home they once knew. However, as a keen observer, she couldn't help but notice the subtle signs of nervousness etched on their faces.

As Visenya stood amidst the training yard with her brothers, the atmosphere carried the weight of unspoken tension, echoing the changes that had befallen the Red Keep. The rhythmic clash of swords seemed to underscore the unease that lingered between them.

She turned to her brothers, her eyes reflecting a mixture of recognition and concern. Lucerys nodded, his gaze acknowledging the altered landscape.

The eldest brother spoke, "It's as if the very stones have absorbed a different essence. The Red Keep feels like a different place."

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