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As the sun's soft light crept through the window, Visenya stirred from her restless sleep, only to be rudely awakened by the sound of maids bursting through her chamber doors. Their hurried entrance filled the room with an unwelcome cacophony, shattering the fragile peace of the morning.

With a groan, Visenya sat up on her bed, the weight of exhaustion clinging to every limb. Weariness weighed heavily upon her spirit, casting a pall of desolation over her already troubled mind. She ran her fingers through her tangled hair, seeking to banish the remnants of sleep that lingered stubbornly in her thoughts.

Casting a resentful glance at the intrusive maids, Visenya cursed silently to herself, railing against the whims of fate that had denied her the solace of a restful night's sleep. In the quiet recesses of her mind, she pleaded with the indifferent gods, beseeching them to grant her the mercy of oblivion in her slumber, away from the suffocating burden of her waking reality.

As the maid swiftly entered the bedchamber side of Visenya's chambers, her hurried steps echoed against the walls, signaling urgency. Visenya, still half-awake, blinked away the remnants of sleep as the maid delivered the jarring news.

"We need to start preparing you for the wedding," the maid declared, her tone clipped and efficient.

Visenya's heart sank at the reminder of the looming ceremony. It felt surreal, as if time had accelerated to thrust her into a reality she wasn't ready to face. She let out a heavy sigh, the weight of the impending union settling heavily upon her shoulders. Despite her reluctance, she knew there was no avoiding the inevitable. 

Visenya rose from her bed with a heavy heart, her steps hesitant as she made her way to the sitting area where breakfast awaited her. The cold touch of the floor beneath her feet offered a brief moment of clarity amidst the turmoil of her thoughts. She couldn't shake the feeling of being watched, the sense of scrutiny that followed her every move like a shadow.

As she approached the table, she felt the weight of their gazes upon her, the silent judgment of the maids who surrounded her. Their eyes bore into her, assessing, analyzing, as if searching for any sign of defiance or weakness. It was as though they were spies, reporting back to Aegon on her every action and reaction.

Among them, Visenya noticed two unfamiliar faces, their presence adding to her unease. Who were they, and what purpose did they serve? Were they merely new additions to the staff, or were they planted here with a specific agenda in mind?

Visenya settled into her chair, her delicate fingers tracing absentminded patterns on the surface of the table as she surveyed the lavish spread before her. The fruits gleamed with vibrant hues, the pastries exuded a tantalizing aroma, and the tea steamed invitingly in its delicate porcelain cup. Yet, despite the visual and olfactory allure, her stomach churned with an uneasy mixture of apprehension and dread.

Each bite of food seemed to carry the weight of her impending marriage, a union thrust upon her without her consent, without her agency. How could she partake in such indulgence when her heart was heavy with despair, when her mind was consumed by thoughts of defiance and resistance?

The maids, ever vigilant in their duties, hovered around her with silent scrutiny, their watchful eyes betraying no hint of sympathy or understanding. They seemed to regard her with a mixture of curiosity and suspicion, as if waiting for her to reveal some hidden intention or secret desire.

But Visenya offered them nothing, her outward composure a mask for the tumultuous emotions raging within. She longed to defy their expectations, to cast off the shackles of her predetermined fate and forge her own path. Yet, in the face of such overwhelming pressure, she felt powerless, trapped within the confines of her gilded prison.

Veil of Shadows | Aemond Targaryen Where stories live. Discover now