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Expecting her childhood room to bear the marks of change, Visenya entered with guarded anticipation. Her assumption was colored by the knowledge of Queen Alicent Hightower's hatred towards her and her siblings.

The thought lingered in the back of her mind that her room might have fallen victim to the queen's orders, reshaped to align with a narrative that sought to erase the traces of the Targaryen legacy.

As she stepped into her old room after so many years, Visenya was met with a wave of unexpected nostalgia. The familiar surroundings, frozen in time, stood in stark contrast to the ever-changing dynamics within the castle walls. It was a moment of suspended reality, as if the room itself resisted the passage of time.

Visenya's eyes swept across the room, taking in the details that had been etched into her memory. The tapestries adorning the walls, the worn but comfortable furniture, and the soft glow of sunlight filtering through the curtains—all remained exactly as she remembered. It was a sanctuary frozen in the past, untouched by the hands of change that had reshaped the rest of the Red Keep.

For a moment, Visenya stood in quiet reflection, her mind a whirlwind of memories. With a mix of surprise and sentiment, she embraced the familiarity, finding solace in the unchanged haven that, against all odds, welcomed her back with open arms.

As she moved through the room, trailing her fingers along familiar surfaces, Visenya couldn't help but be surprised by the steadfastness of this haven amidst the turbulent currents of the castle. The air seemed to carry the whispers of a thousand shared moments.

In this quiet sanctuary, Visenya found herself enveloped by a complex tapestry of emotions. The room, seemingly immune to the alterations that had befallen the rest of the Red Keep, cradled her in a comforting embrace. With each breath, she inhaled the essence of a time when the world felt simpler, and the challenges that now loomed seemed distant.

A sudden, forceful entrance disrupted the tranquil air of Visenya's childhood room, sending a shiver down her spine. Prince Daemon Targaryen, her father, had barged into the space with an unmistakable air of irritation. The abruptness of his arrival, coupled with the tension etched on his features, caught Visenya off guard, and an instinctive jolt of fear coursed through her.

The door, previously a threshold to memories frozen in time, swung open with a sense of urgency. Daemon, a figure of authority and sometimes unpredictability, stood in the doorway. The lines on his face usually soft, now seemed more pronounced, emphasizing the weight of unspoken frustrations.

Visenya's relationship with her father had always been characterized by a certain tension, and his unpredictable nature often kept her on edge. As Daemon's gaze met hers, the vulnerability she felt in his presence became more palpable. The room, once a haven frozen in the memories of her childhood, now bore witness to the complexities of their dynamic.

In that moment, as Daemon's irritation echoed in the air, Visenya grappled with the uneasy feeling that had accompanied her interactions with her father.

Fueled by a mix of uneasiness and frustration, Visenya couldn't contain the surge of anger that welled up within her. In response to her father's abrupt intrusion, she confronted him with a tone sharper than usual.

"Was it truly necessary to barge in like that?" Visenya's words carried a tinge of anger as she confronted the unpredictable force that was her father. "Couldn't you have announced your arrival, father?" The room, once a sanctuary frozen in time, now bore witness to a clash of wills between a father and daughter.

Daemon, still carrying the weight of irritation, responded to Visenya's inquiry with a firm assertion of his role.

"I am your father, Tala," he retorted, his tone carrying an air of authority. "I don't need to announce myself. I come and go as I please." The room, caught in the crossfire of their exchange, bore witness to the clash between the independence Daemon sought to maintain and the desire for a sense of normalcy that Visenya yearned for in her father's presence.

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