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Visenya followed Aemond's lead as they made their way through the labyrinthine corridors of the Red Keep. His confident strides set a brisk pace, and she struggled to keep up, her footsteps echoing softly against the stone floors.

The flickering torches lining the walls cast an ever-changing play of light and shadow, adding to the eerie atmosphere of the castle.

As they walked, Visenya couldn't help but feel a sense of unease gnawing at her insides. The weight of recent events hung heavily upon her, and the tension in the air seemed to thicken with each passing step.

She stole occasional glances at Aemond's back, his silver hair swaying with each movement, his demeanor betraying little of the thoughts swirling in his mind.

The Red Keep, once a place of grandeur and power, now felt like a labyrinth of secrets and shadows, its corridors holding whispers of past betrayals and present uncertainties. Visenya couldn't shake the feeling of being watched, as if unseen eyes lingered in the darkness, observing their every move.

Despite her apprehension, Visenya forced herself to keep walking, her determination to navigate this treacherous path matching her resolve to withstand whatever challenges lay ahead.

Visenya's voice echoed through the corridor, breaking the solemn silence that enveloped them in the dimly lit passageway. "Aemond," she called out, her tone laced with a hint of apprehension.

At the sound of his name, Aemond came to an abrupt halt, his footsteps grinding to a stop on the cold stone floor. Slowly, he turned to face her, his silver hair catching the flickering torchlight as he pivoted on his heel. His piercing gaze bore into hers, his expression inscrutable as he regarded her with a measured intensity.

Their eyes met, and for a fleeting moment, an unspoken tension hung in the air between them, palpable in the faint glow of the torches lining the corridor. Visenya's heart pounded in her chest as she held Aemond's gaze, her mind racing with a whirlwind of conflicting emotions.

Visenya's voice quivered slightly as she broached the topic, her words laden with concern. "Aemond," she began tentatively, "do you know... if Vermithor is well?"

Aemond's demeanor remained stoic and cold, his expression impassive as he regarded her with a detached gaze. Despite the urgency in Visenya's voice, he offered no immediate reassurance, his silence stretching between them like an insurmountable barrier.

Visenya's heart sank at his lack of response, a wave of apprehension washing over her as she awaited his answer. The silence hung heavy in the air, fraught with unspoken tension, as she searched his expression for any sign of warmth or empathy. But Aemond's demeanor remained as icy as ever, leaving her to grapple with her fears in the unsettling stillness of the corridor.

Aemond's cold demeanor sent shivers down Visenya's spine as she dared to inquire about Vermithor's well-being. She braced herself for his response, steeling her resolve against the anticipated callousness.

His gaze, devoid of warmth or empathy, met hers with an unsettling intensity before he finally spoke. "Only if you cease your stubbornness and obey," Aemond's words cut through the air like a blade, each syllable laden with icy indifference, "will he remain unharmed."

Visenya felt a surge of frustration and anger welling up inside her, but she tried to swallow it down, masking her emotions behind a façade of composure. She knew she had no choice but to comply, for the safety of her beloved dragon depended on it.

But Visenya's frustration simmered beneath the surface, evident in the furrow of her brow and the tightness of her jaw. As she spoke, her voice quivered with a blend of anger and sadness, betraying the turmoil raging within her.

Veil of Shadows | Aemond Targaryen Where stories live. Discover now