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Visenya sat by the table, breaking her fast with some sweet lemon cakes. She meticulously picked the sweetened lemon pieces off each cake and savored them individually before eating the cakes themselves. It was a habit she had maintained since childhood.

Outside, the weather was tempestuous. Rain pelted against the windows, and the wind howled through the battlements of the Red Keep. Occasionally, she could hear the sound of waves crashing against the cliffs below, the stormy seas mirroring the turmoil in her heart. The dark clouds cast long shadows over her chamber, adding to the somber mood of the morning.

As she nibbled on a lemon slice, she pondered what she would do today. Her thoughts were filled with a renewed determination to find a way to help her family. She planned to visit the godswood, as she did every day, but with this weather, it was not advisable. The thought of the rain-soaked path and the chilling wind made her reconsider. Instead, she would need to find another way to gather information and pass the time.

Suddenly, the heavy wooden doors of her chamber creaked open, pulling her from her thoughts. She looked up, startled, as the younger maid entered the room, her expression one of hesitation.

"I apologize, princess," the maid said, her voice soft and respectful. "I'll return later."

The maid turned to leave, but Visenya spoke up, her tone calm yet firm. "There's no need for that. I'm almost finished." She gestured to the few remaining pieces of cake on her plate.

The maid hesitated for a moment, then nodded and stepped further into the room, her hands clasped nervously in front of her. Visenya watched her for a moment, feeling a pang of sympathy. The girl was young, likely not much older than Visenya herself. The weight of their respective roles bore heavily on both of them, albeit in different ways.

The maid stood there awkwardly, avoiding Visenya's gaze, waiting for her to finish. Visenya took her time, savoring the last bits of her breakfast. When she was done, she set the plate aside and looked up at the maid.

"May I know your name?" Visenya asked, her voice softening slightly.

The maid glanced up, surprise flickering in her eyes. "It's Ellyn, princess," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper.

Visenya nodded, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips. "Thank you, Ellyn," she said. "You may clear the table now."

Ellyn moved quickly, gathering the plates and utensils with practiced efficiency. Visenya watched her, thinking about the life that awaited her beyond these walls. The maid's presence was a reminder of the world outside, the one she was desperate to reconnect with, but also wary of.

As Ellyn worked, Visenya's mind drifted back to her plans for the day. With the godswood out of the question, she would need to find another way to occupy herself and gather the information she sought. Perhaps a visit to the library, where she could lose herself in the old tomes and scrolls, might provide some answers. Or maybe she could find a way to speak with one of the castle's servants, to learn more about what was happening in the realm.

A thoughtful expression crossed Visenya's face. Then, suddenly, a thought came to her mind. She spoke, trying to sound as pleasant and non-threatening as possible. "Ellyn, for how long have you been in service here?"

Ellyn seemed taken aback by the question, hesitating before answering. "I have been here for almost three years, princess."

Visenya nodded, her smile warm and encouraging. "That's quite some time. Where are you from, Ellyn?"

Ellyn looked up again, this time with a hint of curiosity. "I'm from the Reach, princess. A small village near Highgarden."

Visenya's interest was genuine as she continued. "The Reach is a beautiful place. Do you have any family there?"

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