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As another week crawled by, time seemed to stretch endlessly within the confines of Visenya's secluded chambers. Each day blurred into the next, a monotonous cycle of solitude and confinement that weighed heavily on her spirit.

With no one to converse with and no distractions to occupy her mind, Visenya found herself sinking deeper into the abyss of isolation. The silence that enveloped her was suffocating, broken only by the occasional sound of footsteps echoing in the empty corridors beyond her door.

Her interactions with the maids who delivered her meals were brief and hurried, mere exchanges of polite gratitude that did little to alleviate the pervasive loneliness that gnawed at her soul. They came and went like fleeting shadows, leaving Visenya to languish in the desolate solitude of her chambers.

With each passing day, the walls of her prison seemed to close in around her, their suffocating embrace a constant reminder of her captivity. She longed for the freedom of the outside world, for the simple pleasures of sunlight on her face and the soothing whisper of the wind through the trees.

But locked away behind the heavy wooden door, Visenya remained a prisoner of circumstance, condemned to while away the hours in solitary confinement. In the absence of human contact and the passage of time, the days stretched on endlessly, each one blending seamlessly into the next in a relentless march towards an uncertain future.

As the hours dragged on and the sun climbed higher in the sky, casting its warm golden rays into her chambers, Visenya found herself seeking solace in the gentle embrace of sunlight. With a heavy heart and a longing for freedom, she dragged a chair to the window, positioning it just so to catch the full warmth of the midday sun.

Sitting there in the filtered light, she closed her eyes and tilted her face towards the window, allowing the sun's caress to wash over her like a balm for her weary soul. For a fleeting moment, she could almost imagine herself outside, surrounded by the sights and sounds of the world beyond her prison walls.

The sunlight danced playfully across her skin, painting patterns of warmth and comfort that briefly dispelled the shadows of her confinement. In that brief respite from the oppressive weight of her solitude, Visenya found a fleeting sense of peace, a momentary reprieve from the endless monotony of her days.

As Visenya basked momentarily in the tranquility by her window, her solitude was abruptly shattered by the entrance of Ser Emory Hill into her chamber. Startled, she rose from her chair and turned to face the guard, her brows furrowing with a mixture of surprise and apprehension. Ser Emory's solemn expression bore the weight of his message as he spoke with a respectful tone.

"Princess, the king has requested your presence in the council meeting," he announced, his voice steady yet tinged with an underlying gravity that did not escape Visenya's notice.

Visenya's heart skipped a beat at the mention of the king's name. Aegon's mere presence in her thoughts sent a chill down her spine, a haunting reminder of the ordeal she had endured at his hands.

Despit her efforts to quell the rising tide of fear, memories of his menacing laughter and predatory gaze flooded her mind, casting a shadow over her composure.

Confusion flickered across her features as she grappled with the unexpected summons. What could Aegon possibly want from her now? The uncertainty gnawed at her, stirring a sense of foreboding as she contemplated the implications of the king's request.

Visenya's nod was hesitant, betraying the uncertainty that gnawed at her as she grappled with the implications of the summons. With a nervous gesture, she brushed her hands over the fabric of her dress, a subconscious attempt to quell the unease that churned within her.

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