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In her restless slumber, Visenya found herself trapped in the clutches of a haunting nightmare. She stood within the familiar confines of her chambers at Dragonstone, surrounded by the solemn grandeur of stone walls and flickering torchlight.

And by the comforting presence of her mother. The soft glow of candlelight bathed the room in a warm, inviting ambiance, casting long shadows across the polished wooden table.

As she looked around the room, Visenya felt a pang of longing for her home, for the familiar sights and sounds that she had grown accustomed to. The comforting embrace of her chambers, the soothing presence of her mother and even sometimes her father, all felt like distant memories, fading into the mists of time.

Her mother's voice, gentle and reassuring, filled the room with warmth as she spoke of fond memories and shared laughter. Visenya listened intently, her heart aching with longing for the family she had left behind.

Visenya longed for the comforting embrace of her mother, the reassuring presence that had always been her guiding light in times of uncertainty. But as they conversed, their words drowned out by the relentless roar of her own fears, an unsettling chill crept into the air.

But even as she basked in the warmth of her mother's love, a sense of unease began to creep into her mind. Something felt off, out of place, like a discordant note in an otherwise harmonious melody.

Visenya glanced around the room, searching for the source of her unease, but found nothing amiss. Yet the feeling persisted, a nagging sense of foreboding that gnawed at her insides.

As she sat in silence, her thoughts drifting back to her cherished memories of home, a sudden chill swept through the room, sending shivers down her spine. The air grew thick with tension, suffocating in its intensity, as if the very walls of her chambers were closing in around her.

Visenya's heart pounded in her chest as she felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end. A chill ran down her spine, and she couldn't shake the eerie sensation that she was being watched. The once warm and inviting atmosphere of her dream had turned icy cold, and her mother's voice had fallen silent, leaving only the oppressive stillness of the room.

Out of the shadows emerged a dark figure, its features obscured by the darkness that cloaked it. Visenya's breath caught in her throat as the figure moved towards her with slow, deliberate steps. Each footfall echoed through the silent chamber like a death knell, sending a shiver down her spine.

As the figure drew closer, Visenya's heart raced with fear and apprehension. She strained her eyes to pierce through the darkness, but the figure remained elusive, its form shifting and twisting like smoke in the wind.

With each step, the figure seemed to grow larger and more imposing, casting a long, menacing shadow that stretched across the room. Visenya's pulse quickened as she watched the figure approach, a sense of dread coiling in the pit of her stomach.

And then, with a suddenness that made her gasp, the figure stood before her, its dark form looming over her like a specter from the depths of her darkest nightmares. Visenya's breath caught in her throat as she stared into the abyss of its shadowy visage, her mind racing with fear and uncertainty.

For a moment, time seemed to stand still as the figure loomed over her, its presence casting a pall of darkness over the room. Visenya's heart hammered in her chest as she struggled to comprehend the nature of the sinister entity before her, a cold sweat breaking out on her brow.

Visenya's breath caught in her throat as the figure removed his mask, revealing the face of Aegon, the very man who had tried to rape her just hours before. Her heart pounded erratically, a surge of panic coursing through her veins as she stared into the familiar eyes of her assailant.

Veil of Shadows | Aemond Targaryen Where stories live. Discover now