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In the hushed sanctuary of her chambers, Visenya sat upon her bed, her back resting against the sturdy wooden frame. With a solemn gaze, she peered out into the darkness beyond the window, where the moon's ethereal glow bathed the room in a soft, silver light. A scattering of candles flickered gently, casting long shadows that danced upon the walls like silent specters.

Two days had slipped by since her last encounter with Aemond, and in their wake, a profound sense of solitude had settled over her. Her days had fallen into a simple routine, a series of mundane tasks performed with precision. She dressed herself each morning, the familiar ritual offering a semblance of normalcy amidst the turmoil that churned within her heart.

Yet, despite the semblance of normalcy that she clung to, a pervasive sense of loneliness lingered like a shadow, casting a pall over her days. It was not the absence of company that weighed heavy on her heart, nor the longing for the familiar comforts of home. No, it was the ache of separation from those she held most dear, the haunting absence of her family, her brothers, and her beloved dragon Vermithor.

Her thoughts invariably turned to her siblings, their faces etched in her mind like fading memories. She wondered how they fared in her absence, if her sudden departure had left a void in their lives or if they carried on without her, their lives unchanged by her absence.

She hoped, fervently, that they missed her as much as she missed them, that the bond that bound them together remained unbroken despite the distance that now separated them.

But it was Vermithor, her faithful companion, who occupied her thoughts most of all. The knowledge that he was so close, yet so tantalizingly out of reach, gnawed at her like a festering wound. She could almost feel his presence, the weight of his gaze upon her, as if he were still by her side, his warm breath stirring the air around her.

The countless hours they had spent together soaring through the skies. She recalled the exhilaration of flight, the rush of wind against her face, and the boundless freedom that came with riding upon his back. It was a memory that filled her with both joy and sorrow, a bittersweet reminder of all that she had lost.

As tears welled in her eyes, a sense of overwhelming sorrow washed over Visenya, engulfing her in a tide of emotion that she could no longer contain. In the quiet solitude of her chambers, away from prying eyes and judgmental gazes, she allowed herself to surrender to the torrent of tears that streamed down her cheeks.

She felt utterly vulnerable, her defenses crumbling in the face of the relentless ache that gripped her heart. In that moment, she felt raw and exposed, stripped of the facade of strength that she had so carefully cultivated. It was a humbling realization, one that left her feeling small and insignificant in the vast expanse of the world around her.

With each tear that fell, a silent sob echoed in the depths of her soul, a sob for all that she had lost and all that she feared she would never regain. She mourned the absence of her family, the ache of separation cutting deep into her very being. And in the midst of her grief, she grieved for Vermithor, her faithful companion and steadfast protector, whose absence left a gaping void in her life.

But even as her tears flowed freely, there was a sense of release, a cathartic purging of emotions that had long been suppressed. In the act of surrendering to her sorrow, she found a measure of solace, a fleeting moment of peace amidst the turmoil that raged within her.

And as the tears continued to fall, she allowed herself to acknowledge the pain that dwelled within her heart, knowing that only by confronting it could she hope to find healing. In that moment of vulnerability, she found strength, a quiet resilience that whispered of brighter days yet to come.

But then the heavy wooden doors creaked open, Visenya's heart skipped a beat, her senses instantly alert to the intrusion. Hastily wiping away her tears, she pulled the linen sheets closer around her, seeking refuge in their comforting embrace. With bated breath, she watched as Aemond entered the chamber, his figure outlined by the flickering candlelight that cast eerie shadows across the walls. The dim glow of the moonlight filtering through the window added to the ethereal atmosphere, lending an air of mystique to the scene.

Aemond's presence loomed large in the room, his movements deliberate as he crossed the threshold. Clutching a pile of books and scrolls in his arms, he moved with purpose, his sword strapped to his waist serving as a stark reminder of his role as her guardian. Visenya observed him with a mixture of apprehension and curiosity, her gaze lingering on the subtle nuances of his demeanor.

As he approached the table, Visenya studied him from afar, her eyes tracing the contours of his figure with cautious curiosity. She felt a twinge of unease at the sight of him, a knot of apprehension tightening in the pit of her stomach. What did he want? Why had he come here? Their chambers, designated as their shared space, had been a place of solitude for her since their wedding night. She pushed the memory of that night away, unwilling to confront the pain and discomfort it brought.

For a moment, there was only silence, the weight of unspoken words hanging heavy in the air between them. Visenya dared not break the silence, her gaze fixed intently on Aemond's back as he busied himself with arranging the books and scrolls on the table. She felt a pang of embarrassment at the thought of him seeing her in such a vulnerable state, her cheeks flushing with shame.

The room seemed to hold its breath, filled only with the soft rustle of parchment and the occasional creak of floorboards beneath Aemond's weight. Visenya watched him from across the room, her keen eyes absorbing every movement, every detail. The dim light cast long shadows across the chamber, painting the scene in shades of gray and gold.

As she observed him, she couldn't help but notice the tension in his shoulders, the subtle stiffness in his movements. The tension radiating from him was palpable, casting a shadow over the already somber atmosphere of the chamber. She watched him closely, her mind buzzing with questions and concerns.

Had something happened at Dragonstone? Were there actions being taken from there? Or perhaps something had transpired during the council meeting that had left him unsettled. The possibilities swirled in her mind, each one more unsettling than the last.

Yet, even as her concern grew, Visenya couldn't shake the underlying tension between them. She had never trusted Aemond, not since the day they had been forced into this union. Their marriage was a mere facade, a political alliance forged out of necessity rather than affection.

As she observed him from across the room, a part of her couldn't help but wonder if he felt the same way. Did he resent her as much as she resented him? Was he merely tolerating her presence out of duty, or did he harbor his own secrets and desires beneath the surface?

Despite the lingering presence of him, Visenya felt no desire for companionship or conversation. The silence of the chamber offered her a refuge from the chaos of her thoughts, a temporary reprieve from the weight of her loneliness.

But even as she sought solace in the stillness, her mind buzzed with unanswered questions, with doubts and fears that refused to be silenced. She wondered what Aemond was thinking, what he hoped to accomplish by being here. Was he simply fulfilling his duty as her 'husband', or did he have ulterior motives?

The silence between them stretched on, heavy with unspoken words and unresolved tension. Visenya remained on edge, her every instinct telling her to tread carefully around the man who now shared her chambers.

Despite the bitterness that tainted their relationship, a small part of Visenya longed to bridge the chasm that had formed between them. She yearned for the easy friendship they had once shared, for the comfort of confiding in each other as they had done in their youth. But she knew all too well that those days were long gone.

The realization weighed heavily upon her as she watched Aemond from across the room, his form illuminated by the flickering candlelight. There was a time when they had been inseparable, when they had shared their hopes and dreams with one another without reservation. But those days were nothing more than distant memories now, overshadowed by the harsh realities of their present circumstances.

As much as she yearned for the connection they had once shared, Visenya knew that she could no longer afford to indulge in such fantasies. Their marriage was a facade, a mere arrangement of convenience orchestrated by his family for political gain. There was no room for sentimentality in their union, no place for the tender affection that had once bound them together.

With a heavy heart, Visenya turned away from Aemond, her gaze falling to her hands folded in her lap. The silence between them stretched on, suffocating in its intensity. She knew that she should speak, that she should attempt to break through the walls that had been erected between them. But the words remained lodged in her throat, trapped beneath a veil of uncertainty and apprehension.

In the end, it was easier to remain silent—to bury her yearnings beneath a facade of indifference. After all, what good would it do to reopen old wounds, to dwell on the shattered remnants of a love that had long since faded away? So she sat in silence, her heart heavy with the weight of unspoken words, and waited for the moment to pass.

As the weight of their unspoken thoughts hung heavily in the air, Visenya could hear the subtle sounds of Aemond settling into the chair nearby. The soft rustle of parchment being unfurled and the faint clink of glass against wood filled the chamber, punctuating the uncomfortable silence that enveloped them.

She resisted the urge to look in his direction, keeping her gaze fixed on her hands clasped tightly in her lap. The presence of Aemond so close yet so distant was a constant reminder of the divide that separated them—a chasm widened by years of resentment and mistrust.

The sound of him taking a sip from his cup of wine echoed in the quiet chamber, the rhythmic swish of liquid against glass a stark contrast to the stillness that surrounded them. Visenya could feel the tension mounting with each passing moment, the weight of their unspoken words pressing down upon her like a suffocating blanket.

As the seconds stretched into minutes, the oppressive silence seemed to thicken, suffocating the chamber with its weight. Visenya's eyes remained fixed on her hands, fingers intertwined in a desperate attempt to anchor herself amidst the swirling turmoil of her thoughts.

Despite her best efforts to remain aloof, curiosity gnawed at the edges of Visenya's resolve, pulling her gaze inevitably towards Aemond's form. Slowly, almost unnoticeably, she allowed her eyes to drift upwards, stealing furtive glances at the man seated on the other side of the room from her.

In the soft glow of candlelight, she could see the furrow that creased his brow, the tense set of his shoulders as he poured over the scrolls spread out before him. His features were a mask of concentration, betraying none of the tumultuous emotions that churned beneath the surface.

For a moment, their eyes met—brief, fleeting, yet charged with unspoken meaning. In that fleeting instant, Visenya glimpsed a shard of vulnerability lurking beneath the facade of stoic resolve—a vulnerability she had once known intimately, before the ravages of time and circumstance had torn them apart.

But just as quickly as it had appeared, the moment passed, swallowed up by the yawning chasm that yawned between them. With a sigh, Visenya tore her gaze away, retreating once more into the safety of her solitude.

"Don't pretend that you're not watching me," he said, his voice low and measured, each word carrying the weight of unspoken tension between them.

For a moment, Visenya was rendered speechless, caught off guard by the directness of his words. She felt exposed, as though he had stripped away the layers of her carefully constructed facade to lay bare the raw truth beneath.

Slowly, almost reluctantly, she lifted her gaze to meet his, finding herself ensnared by the intensity of his stare. There was a challenge in his eyes, a silent demand for honesty that left her feeling vulnerable and exposed.

"I wasn't," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper. But even as the words left her lips, she knew they rang hollow—mere echoes of the truth she dared not speak aloud. She could feel the weight of his gaze bearing down on her, dissecting her every thought and emotion with unnerving precision.

As Aemond took a slow sip of his wine, Visenya couldn't help but feel a surge of frustration bubbling within her. She had initially wanted nothing to do with him, but now that they were engaged in this tense exchange, she found herself unable to suppress the question that burned at the forefront of her mind.

"Why are you here?" she asked, her voice tinged with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension. She braced herself for his response, unsure of what to expect but unable to ignore the gnawing sense of unease that had settled in the pit of her stomach.

Aemond took his time to respond, his gaze still fixed on the scrolls spread out before him. Visenya watched him closely, a flicker of annoyance flashing in her eyes as she waited for his reply. When he finally spoke, his voice was calm but tinged with a hint of sarcasm.

"Am I not allowed to stay in my own chambers?" he countered, his tone laced with a subtle challenge. Aemond's expression remained impassive, his attention still fixed on the scrolls before him. Visenya felt a surge of frustration rising within her. She had hoped for some semblance of honesty or vulnerability from him, but it seemed that he was determined to maintain his stoic facade.

Aemond's deliberate response only fueled Visenya's irritation further. She bristled at the thinly veiled sarcasm in his words, the tension between them palpable in the dimly lit chamber. Though she wanted to snap back at him, to unleash the pent-up frustration that had been building inside her for days, she held her tongue.

"Of course, you're allowed," she replied, her voice betraying a hint of exasperation. "But it's not like you've made much use of these chambers since we were wed."

Her words hung in the air, the weight of their shared history casting a shadow over the room. Aemond remained silent, his attention still fixed on the scrolls before him. Visenya's frustration threatened to boil over, but she fought to keep it in check, unwilling to give him the satisfaction of seeing her lose her composure.

Aemond's voice broke the silence, his words echoing in the dimly lit chamber. "You should get used to my presence in this chamber," he stated firmly, his eyes fixed on the documents before him.

Visenya felt a surge of defiance rising within her, fueled by the frustration that had been simmering beneath the surface for days. "Well, I'd rather not," she blurted out before she could stop herself.

Her words hung in the air, the tension between them palpable. Visenya's heart raced as she realized the gravity of what she had just said.

Aemond's gaze flicked up from the scrolls, his expression unreadable. For a moment, they locked eyes, a silent battle of wills raging between them. Then, without a word, Aemond returned his attention to the documents, effectively dismissing her defiance.

Visenya's cheeks flushed with embarrassment, her heart pounding in her chest. She knew she had overstepped, yet a stubborn part of her refused to back down. As she watched Aemond pour over the scrolls, a sense of unease settled over her. She had challenged him, and now she could only wait to see how he would respond.

Without looking at her, Aemond spoke, his voice low and cryptic. "Things have changed," he said, each word carrying a weight of significance. "You would do well to accept that."

Visenya felt a surge of anger rise within her. If there was something she hated most, it was when people thought they could just decide her life. It reminded her of her father, Daemon, and the way he had always imposed his will on her. The feeling of powerlessness was unbearable, and it stoked the flames of her fury.

Unable to contain her frustration, she got off the bed and stormed over to Aemond. Her movements were swift and filled with a righteous anger. Without a second thought, she yanked the cup of wine from his hand, spilling some of the dark liquid onto the floor. "No one tells me what to accept!" she spat, her voice trembling with emotion.

Aemond finally looked up at her, his expression inscrutable. There was a long, tense silence between them, the weight of unspoken words and unresolved conflict hanging heavily in the air. Visenya's chest heaved with the intensity of her emotions, and she could feel the hot sting of tears threatening to spill over, but she held them back with sheer force of will.

For a moment, they simply stared at each other, a silent battle of wills. Visenya's heart pounded in her chest as she waited for his response, her hand still clutching the cup of wine. She refused to back down, determined to assert her own agency in a situation where she felt so utterly powerless.

Aemond's gaze darkened, and he slowly rose to his feet, towering over her. His eyes bore into hers, and she could see the flicker of something dangerous in their depths. Yet, she did not flinch. Instead, she stood her ground, meeting his intense gaze with one of her own.

He took a step closer, closing the distance between them. "You are my wife," he said, his voice low and menacing. "And you will learn your place, whether you like it or not."

Visenya's hand tightened around the cup, her knuckles turning white. "I will never submit to you," she hissed. "You may have forced me into this marriage, but you will never break my spirit."

His tall frame was towering over her, trying to intimidate her. Aemond's eyes narrowed, and for a moment, she thought he might strike her. The tension between them crackled in the air, and Visenya could feel her heart pounding wildly in her chest. She refused to back down, meeting his gaze with a defiant stare.

But then he spoke, his voice almost soft, yet the words were sickening. "You should be glad that I am here," he said, his tone laced with a cold, twisted amusement. "Aegon joked to me about how he would've performed his duty on you since he presumed that I wouldn't", he paused before he continued. "He was eager to take what is mine."

Visenya felt a wave of nausea wash over her at his words. The thought of Aegon, with his lecherous grin and cruel intentions, made her skin crawl. Her stomach churned with a mix of fear and disgust, but she held her ground, refusing to let Aemond see her falter.

"Is that supposed to make me grateful?" she spat back, her voice trembling with barely contained rage. "That you're only marginally less vile than your brother?"

Aemond's expression hardened, the hint of a smile playing at his lips. "Gratitude is not what I seek," he replied, his voice dripping with condescension. "Understanding is. You need to understand the reality of your situation."

Visenya's anger flared hotter, and she took a step closer to him, her eyes blazing with fury. "I understand perfectly," she said, her voice low and fierce. "I understand that you think you can control me, that you can make me submit. But I will never be grateful for your presence, Aemond. Not now, not ever."

For a moment, they stood there, locked in a silent battle of wills. The air between them was thick with tension, and Visenya could feel the weight of Aemond's gaze bearing down on her. She refused to look away, her defiance a burning flame in the face of his cold, calculated menace.

Aemond's lips curled into a mocking smile, and he reached out, brushing a stray lock of hair away from her face. His touch was cold and unwelcome, sending a shiver down her spine. "You have fire in you," he murmured, almost appreciatively. "But fire can be tamed."

She slapped his hand away, her eyes flashing with anger. "I am not a beast to be tamed," she hissed. "And I will not be broken by you."

His smile faded, replaced by a look of grim determination. "We shall see," he said quietly, his voice carrying a sinister edge. "We shall see."

He turned around, leaving her standing there, her heart pounding and her hands trembling. She watched him walk over to the bed, every step he took echoing in her ears like a drumbeat. He moved with a deliberate slowness, as if savoring the tension in the air. She couldn't tear her eyes away, a mixture of fury and dread knotting in her stomach.

Aemond began to undress himself, his movements methodical and unhurried. He stood with his back towards her, the muscles of his back rippling beneath his skin. The sight of him disrobing filled her with a cold, creeping fear. She immediately looked away, her gaze fixing on the wall, but her mind raced with the possibilities of what might come next.

Visenya's thoughts spun wildly, a tumultuous mix of anger and anxiety. She clenched her fists at her sides, her nails digging into her palms. The memory of their wedding night surfaced, unbidden and unwanted, adding a fresh layer of terror to her already fraught emotions. She felt the familiar sting of helplessness, the sense of being trapped in a nightmare from which there was no escape.

She was so furious, but also scared now that he was undressing. The idea that he might take her again filled her with a sense of dread so profound it threatened to paralyze her. Every sound seemed amplified in the silence—the rustle of his clothes, the soft thud as each garment hit the floor. She squeezed her eyes shut, willing herself to stay calm, to not show any sign of the fear that gripped her.

She heard him settling into the bed, the sound of the sheets being pulled filling the heavy silence of the room. Her heart pounded loudly in her chest, each beat a painful reminder of her fear and anger. She kept her eyes fixed on the wall, refusing to turn around, hoping against hope that he might leave her alone.

Then his voice broke through the silence, low and commanding. "Come to bed, ābrazȳrys," the way the word 'wife' rolled off his tongue, with a chilling intimacy that sent shivers down her spine. The way he said it, laced with a possessiveness that made her skin crawl, shattered any illusion of safety she might have clung to.

Visenya's entire body tensed at his words. The language that once felt like a warm, familial bond now felt like chains binding her to him. She swallowed hard, trying to suppress the rising panic. Her mind raced, weighing her options. She knew she had little choice in the matter, but every fiber of her being screamed at her to resist.

She didn't respond, didn't dare to. Her fury simmered beneath the surface, a barely contained storm, but it was eclipsed by the raw, immediate fear of what he might do.

She tried to focus on her breathing, to keep herself from spiraling into panic. The wall in front of her blurred as tears welled up in her eyes, but she refused to let them fall. She wouldn't give him the satisfaction of seeing her cry.

Slowly, reluctantly, she turned to face him. Aemond lay in the bed, his gaze fixed on her with an intensity that made her feel like prey caught in a predator's sights. She took a hesitant step towards the bed, her movements stiff and mechanical, every instinct screaming at her to run, to fight. But she knew the futility of such actions; in this moment, she was trapped.

As she approached the bed, she couldn't shake the feeling of dread that settled over her like a suffocating blanket. She tried to muster some semblance of defiance, some way to maintain her dignity in the face of his dominance. I am not a thing to be commanded, she thought, though the words stayed trapped in her mind, unable to find their way to her lips.

Aemond's eyes followed her every movement, his expression inscrutable. She wished she could read his thoughts, understand what drove him to exert such control over her. But all she saw was the cold resolve of a man who believed he had every right to command her obedience.

She finally reached the side of the bed, her heart hammering in her chest. She sat down, keeping as much distance between them as possible, her body rigid with tension. The bed felt like a prison, the sheets a suffocating shroud.

Aemond watched her closely, his expression softening slightly, but the edge of authority remained. "Do not make this harder than it needs to be," he said, his voice almost gentle, but the underlying threat was unmistakable.

Visenya's jaw tightened, but she didn't respond. She pulled the sheets around her like a shield, hoping they might offer some small measure of protection. As she lay there, her back to him, she felt the full weight of her predicament. The room, once a sanctuary, now felt like a cage. The man beside her, once a childhood companion, now felt like her captor.

She heard him blowing out the candle next to him, the room plunging further into darkness. The shadows seemed to deepen, wrapping around her like a suffocating shroud. Every small sound became amplified in the stillness—the faint rustle of the sheets, the creak of the bed frame as Aemond shifted his weight.

Visenya lay perfectly still, her body tense, every muscle coiled in anticipation. She felt the mattress dip slightly as he settled beside her, the warmth of his presence an unwelcome reminder of her lack of control. She kept her eyes tightly shut, willing herself to remain calm, to suppress the rising tide of panic and anger.

Aemond's movements were deliberate and unhurried, each shift of his body a silent assertion of his dominance. She could sense his gaze on her, even in the darkness, a palpable weight that pressed down on her with an almost physical force.

He finally lay down, his presence an oppressive weight beside her. The silence between them was heavy and fraught with unspoken tensions. Visenya's mind raced, thoughts tumbling over one another in a chaotic whirl. She had no desire for his company, no wish to be in his presence, yet here she was, trapped in this shared chamber with no escape.

She could feel his proximity, the heat radiating from his body, and it took all her willpower to maintain her composure. She focused on her breathing, taking slow, measured breaths to calm her racing heart. The darkness seemed to close in around her, amplifying every tiny sound and sensation.

She lay there, her thoughts a tangled web of anger and sorrow, when she suddenly felt a gentle touch on her hair. Aemond's hand was slowly stroking it, his fingers threading through the strands with a softness that seemed almost out of character. The unexpected tenderness in his touch sent a shiver down her spine, her body tensing instinctively.

She remained perfectly still, unsure how to react. Her breath hitched slightly as his fingers continued their slow, rhythmic movement, the sensation both soothing and unsettling. She fought the urge to pull away, to distance herself from this sudden and confusing display of affection.

The caress was at odds with everything she had come to associate with Aemond. His actions had always been calculated, his words sharp and his demeanor cold. But now, in the darkness of their shared chamber, he was showing a side of himself that she hadn't seen in years.

Memories of their childhood flashed in her mind, times when they had been close, when he had been a source of comfort rather than fear. But those days felt like a lifetime ago, buried beneath layers of betrayal and resentment.

His fingers continued to move through her hair, each stroke a silent reminder of their complicated history. She tried to decipher his intentions, to understand what had prompted this unexpected gentleness. Was it a genuine attempt to bridge the chasm that had grown between them, or another calculated move in his ongoing bid for control?

The questions swirled in her mind, but she found no answers. All she had was the present moment, the feel of his fingers in her hair, the sound of his steady breathing beside her. The darkness seemed to amplify every sensation, every thought, leaving her feeling more vulnerable than ever.

She closed her eyes, willing herself to stay calm. This was just another test, another challenge to endure. She couldn't afford to let her guard down, not even for a moment. Aemond's touch might be gentle now, but she knew all too well how quickly it could turn to something far more sinister.

As the minutes ticked by, the tension in her body slowly began to ease. She couldn't deny the soothing effect of his touch, even if she didn't trust his motives. For now, she would let him caress her hair, if only because it was a small comfort in the midst of so much uncertainty.

But she remained vigilant, her senses attuned to every movement, every change in his breathing. She would not allow herself to be lulled into a false sense of security. This moment, like all the others, was fraught with danger and deception.

As the hours stretched on Aemond's breath became steady and even, but sleep eluded him. Eventually, his hand stilled, the gentle caress of her hair coming to an end. Visenya waited, her own breath held in silent anticipation. When she was finally certain he had drifted off, she slowly shifted, careful not to disturb the fragile peace that had settled over their chamber.

She turned onto her back, moving with the utmost caution, and let her gaze fall on Aemond. The moonlight filtered through the narrow window, casting a soft, ethereal glow over his bare back. His muscles, usually so tense and coiled with latent energy, were relaxed in slumber. His face, half-buried in the pillow, appeared almost serene, a stark contrast to the cold, calculating expression he wore during the day.

Visenya watched him, her thoughts a swirling mixture of emotions. There was something undeniably strange about seeing him like this, so vulnerable and unguarded. The man who had caused her so much pain and fear looked almost peaceful in the gentle embrace of the moonlight. His breathing was rhythmic, a soft rise and fall that was oddly comforting.

She couldn't help but feel a pang of confusion and sadness. The memories of their shared childhood, of days spent laughing and exploring the castle grounds, seemed so distant now. The boy she had once known was still there, somewhere beneath the layers of bitterness and duty that had hardened him over the years. But that boy was buried deep, and she wasn't sure if he would ever resurface.

She wondered what kind of burdens he carried, what thoughts kept him awake at night. For a moment, she felt a flicker of empathy, a reluctant understanding of the weight of their shared history.

But the feeling was fleeting, quickly replaced by the familiar walls of resentment and distrust. Whatever softness she might have felt was tempered by the knowledge of his actions, the cold reality of their situation. She could not afford to let her guard down, not even for a moment.

Yet, as she lay there, her own breathing slowly synchronizing with his, she couldn't shake the strange sense of connection that lingered between them. It was a tenuous thread, fragile and easily broken, but it was there nonetheless. The sight of him at peace, the gentle glow of the moonlight casting a softer light on his features, stirred something deep within her.

She sighed quietly, her thoughts a tangled web of emotions. She wanted to hate him, to cling to the anger and fear that had become her armor. But there was a part of her, buried beneath the layers of hurt and betrayal, that still longed for the connection they had once shared.

Visenya slowly sat up, careful not to disturb the bed's fragile serenity. She glanced around the chamber, her eyes adjusting to the dim light. The room was quiet, the only sound the soft, rhythmic breathing of Aemond beside her. Her gaze landed on the table across the room, where the scrolls and books lay scattered, remnants of Aemond's earlier work. The flickering candlelight cast long shadows over the pile, making the parchments seem even more mysterious and tempting.

Curiosity gnawed at her. What information did those scrolls contain? Were there details about the realm's current state, secrets that could give her an edge, or knowledge that might offer her some semblance of control in this suffocating environment? The urge to walk over and sift through them was almost overwhelming.

But she couldn't afford to wake him. Aemond, despite his earlier calm demeanor, was unpredictable and dangerous. She knew better than to test his temper, especially now when he seemed momentarily at peace. The risk was too great, and the consequences of being caught could be dire.

She glanced back at him, ensuring he was still asleep. His face was serene, a stark contrast to the tense, calculating expression he wore during the day. For a brief moment, he looked almost innocent, like the boy she once knew. But the memory of their shared past was quickly overshadowed by the reality of their present.

Visenya weighed her options, her mind racing. The scrolls and books could hold the answers she sought, but the threat of Aemond waking and catching her in the act was a constant, looming presence. She couldn't risk drawing his ire, not now, not when her position was already so precarious.

Yet, the thought of returning to her uneasy rest without taking a chance gnawed at her. She needed to know more, to understand the world outside these confining walls. Information was power, and power was something she sorely lacked. But as much as she wanted to seize this opportunity, the fear of what Aemond might do if he woke restrained her.

Visenya's heart pounded as she made her decision. She couldn't let this opportunity slip away. Slowly, she shifted her weight, ensuring each movement was silent. She glanced at Aemond, his face still peaceful in slumber, the moonlight casting a soft glow over his features. Taking a deep breath, she slid off the bed, her bare feet touching the cold floor.

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