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As Visenya woke in the morning, she felt a peculiar sensation gnawing at her gut, a strange and unsettling feeling that she couldn't quite shake off. Surprised that she had slept the whole night without waking up midway, she couldn't ignore the sense of unease that accompanied her awakening. It lingered like a shadow, casting a pall over the morning light filtering through her chamber windows.

she noticed an unusual silence enveloping the air, a profound stillness that seemed to linger unnaturally. It was an eerie calm that unsettled her, for the castle was never this silent. Typically, there was always some distant sound echoing through the halls, the murmur of servants going about their tasks. But today, there was nothing but a heavy silence that hung ominously in the air, leaving Visenya on edge.

Visenya lay in her bed, the silence pressing in on her from all sides. It enveloped her like a thick blanket, muffling any sounds that might have penetrated her room. She found herself almost zoning out, lost in the strange stillness of the morning. The distant sound of the wind outside seemed to lull her into a trance-like state, her thoughts drifting aimlessly as she stared up at the ceiling, her mind wandering in the quiet solitude of her chamber.

As Visenya emerged from her trance-like state, she became aware of a subtle shift in her surroundings. Her gaze drifted to the window, and she realized with a start that it was slightly ajar. A cool breeze wafted into the room, carrying with it the faint scent of rain and the distant sounds of the city waking up outside. She remembered leaving it open last night in an attempt to let some fresh air into the room, but instead, it seemed to have brought in the unpleasant odor of the city streets. The curtains billowed heavily in the breeze, their fabric rustling and flapping against the window frame, adding to the eerie atmosphere of the silent morning.

With a reluctant sigh, Visenya rose from her bed, the chill of the room sending a shiver down her spine. She padded across the cold stone floor, her bare feet making soft thuds against the ground.

Arriving at the window, she closed it firmly against the cold morning breeze, feeling a sense of relief as the room regained its warmth. As she looked out of the window, Visenya noticed that the rain had finally ceased. The dark clouds that had loomed menacingly the night before had dissipated, leaving behind a serene sky painted with hues of pink and orange as the sun began to rise.

The streets below glistened with the remnants of raindrops, reflecting the soft morning light. It was a stark contrast to the turbulent storm that had raged just hours ago, and Visenya couldn't help but feel a sense of relief at the calm that now enveloped the city.

As she gazed out at the tranquil aftermath of the storm, Visenya couldn't shake the nagging worry about her family's journey back to Dragonstone. The turbulent weather from the previous evening had been fierce, and she couldn't help but wonder if the sailing had been safe.

Her thoughts drifted to her parents and siblings, imagining them navigating the rough seas under the cover of darkness. She hoped fervently that they had reached Dragonstone without incident, their ship weathering the storm and arriving safely at their destination. Despite her concern, there was little she could do but wait for news, hoping for the best as she watched the calm morning unfold outside her window.

As the morning light filtered through her window, Visenya felt a surge of anticipation knowing that she would be flying back home to Dragonstone today. The prospect of returning to the solitude and tranquility of her ancestral home filled her with a sense of comfort and relief.

Amidst the chaos and tension of recent events at King's Landing, the thought of being enveloped by the familiar sights and sounds of Dragonstone brought her a sense of calm. She longed for the rugged cliffs, the crashing waves, and the quiet solitude of the island fortress that had always felt like a sanctuary to her.

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