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As the festivities unfolded within the grand throne room of the Red Keep, Visenya sat beside Aemond at the opulent banquet table, positioned prominently before the awe-inspiring Iron Throne. The grandeur of the occasion was matched only by the sumptuous display of culinary delights that graced the table before them, a testament to the lavish tastes and extravagant indulgence befitting a royal wedding.

Despite the lively atmosphere that enveloped the room, punctuated by the strains of music and the joyful laughter of the guests, Visenya and Aemond sat in a quietude all their own, their thoughts consumed by the weight of their newfound union and the uncertainties that lay ahead. Though they were surrounded by a sea of revelers, they remained aloof, their gazes distant and unfocused as they contemplated the gravity of their situation.

At the long tables flanking the center of the room, guests reveled in the festivities, their voices rising in animated conversation as they indulged in the abundance of food and drink laid out before them. Couples swirled gracefully across the open floor, their movements synchronized to the lilting melodies of the musicians, while others engaged in spirited games and jovial exchanges.

Yet for Visenya and Aemond, the jubilant atmosphere seemed distant and inconsequential. Despite the extravagance of the feast and the joyfulness of the guests, they remained ensconced in a cocoon of silence, their thoughts a tumultuous whirlwind of apprehension and uncertainty. Each moment passed in a haze of introspection, their minds preoccupied with the weight of their responsibilities and the tumultuous path that lay ahead.

As the night wore on, Visenya couldn't help but feel a sense of unease creeping over her, a nagging doubt that lingered at the edge of her consciousness. She stole furtive glances at Aemond, seated beside her, his countenance inscrutable as he too grappled with the weight of their circumstances. Though they were bound together by the vows spoken in the sight of gods and men, the chasm between them seemed wider than ever, an unbridgeable gulf that threatened to engulf them both in its depths.

And so, they sat in silence, their hearts heavy with the burden of expectation and duty, their minds awhirl with questions and uncertainties. In that moment, amidst the splendor of the feast and the revelry of the guests, Visenya couldn't help but wonder what the future held for her and Aemond, and whether they would ever find solace amidst the tumult of their new lives.

As the evening wore on and the festivities reached their peak, Visenya found herself retreating into the solace of her wine, the familiar taste offering a brief respite from the mounting dread that clenched at her heart. The candlelit glow of the banquet hall cast long shadows across the polished stone floors, lending an air of solemnity to the proceedings as the revelry continued unabated.

With each sip of wine, Visenya felt the weight of expectation bearing down upon her, the knowledge of what was to come hanging heavily in the air like a dark cloud on the horizon. Though she understood the customs and traditions that dictated the course of the evening, she couldn't shake the sense of apprehension that gnawed at her from within.

The bedding ceremony loomed large in her mind, a specter of duty and obligation that she found herself dreading more with each passing moment. She knew it was customary, an age-old tradition designed to ensure the fertility and prosperity of the newlywed couple, but the thought of being subjected to such a public and intimate display filled her with a profound sense of unease.

As the hour grew late and the revelers continued to carouse around her, Visenya couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding creeping over her, a palpable tension that hung in the air like a heavy cloak. Though she tried to push aside her fears and immerse herself in the festivities, the specter of the bedding ceremony loomed large in her mind, casting a shadow over the joyous occasion.

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