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Visenya lay sprawled on the plush settee by the hearth, a thick book resting idly on her lap. The leather-bound tome, with its intricate gold-leafed edges, was a favored distraction, but tonight, the words blurred together, lost in the haze of her wandering thoughts. Her eyes drifted repeatedly from the pages to the fireplace, where the flames danced and flickered with a mesmerizing rhythm. The firelight cast a warm, golden glow across the room, creating an interplay of light and shadow that seemed almost magical.

Her body ached from the previous day's relentless training with Aemond. Each muscle protested even the slightest movement, a deep soreness permeating her very bones. Despite the pain, she felt a sense of accomplishment—a reminder of her resilience and the intense training they had shared. She had pushed herself harder than ever before under Aemond's watchful, encouraging gaze.

A goblet of wine rested in her hand, the deep red liquid shimmering in the firelight. She was already slightly tipsy, the warmth of the alcohol mingling with the heat of the hearth, creating a soothing haze. She took a slow, deliberate sip, savoring the rich, velvety flavor. Memories of her last hangover, and the misery it had brought, urged her to pace herself. She had no desire to wake up tomorrow feeling as if her head was splitting open.

After they returned from the training yard the previous evening, Aemond had left their chambers, explaining that his presence was required elsewhere. Important matters needed his attention—preparations for his imminent departure to Storm's End. Since then, she had been alone. She was already asleep when he came back last night and when she woke up this morning, he was already gone. The solitude was both a balm and a burden, filling the chambers with an eerie silence that seemed to amplify her thoughts and feelings.

With her body protesting every movement, she had stayed in their chambers all day, finding it too painful to do much else. The day had passed in a blur of rest and reflection, punctuated only by brief moments of activity when she had tried, and failed, to distract herself. She missed him—his presence, his voice, the quiet assurance he provided simply by being near. It felt strange and disconcerting to acknowledge this longing. It wasn't just the camaraderie they had shared as children; this was something deeper, more complex.

Visenya sighed, her eyes drifting back to the flames. The firelight seemed to mirror the confusion and warmth swirling within her. She had never experienced these feelings before, this deep, almost aching longing for someone's presence. Of course, Aemond had been her best friend when they were children, but this... this was different. It felt more intense, more consuming. It was as if the years of separation and the pain they had both endured had forged a new bond between them, one that was stronger and more resilient.

Maybe it was the wine that was amplifying these emotions, making her more introspective and vulnerable. Her mind couldn't stop thinking about him, replaying their moments together, analyzing every word, every touch. She wondered what he was doing now, if he was thinking of her as well. The thought brought a small, wistful smile to her lips.

Visenya shifted slightly, wincing as the dull ache flared up in her muscles. She closed her eyes for a moment, trying to center herself. The fire crackled, and the warmth seeped into her, easing the physical pain but not the emotional turmoil. She took another sip of wine, letting the liquid linger on her tongue before swallowing.

As she lay there, lost in her thoughts, she realized how much she had come to rely on Aemond's presence. The days seemed longer without him, the chamber emptier. She had always prided herself on her independence, on her ability to handle whatever came her way. But now, she couldn't deny the comfort and strength she drew from him.

Opening her eyes, she gazed into the fire once more, watching the flames dance and flicker. She allowed herself to feel the longing, to acknowledge the strange, new emotions swirling within her. Maybe it was the wine, maybe it was the solitude, but for the first time, she didn't push the feelings away. She let them wash over her, accepting them, if only for this quiet, contemplative moment.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20 ⏰

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