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It was later now, and Aemond had left after their conversation, likely to attend to his duties. The mid-noon hour brought with it a relentless downpour, the heavy rain pounding against the windows of her chamber.

Visenya sat by the window, her gaze lost in the streaks of rain coursing down the glass. The meaning and gravity of their conversation weighed heavily on her mind. Aemond's warning echoed in her thoughts: any misstep, any hint of deceit, would bring severe repercussions. She had to be more than cautious; she had to be convincing.

The gravity of the situation was undeniable. Aemond was no fool, his sharp intellect and keen perception made him a tough opponent. Visenya knew she had to be exceptionally careful. Not only did she have to convince him of her sincerity, but she also had to convince herself. Every action, every word, had to be delivered with unwavering confidence and conviction.

She rose from her seat by the window, her reflection staring back at her in the rain-streaked glass. The weight of the conversation with Aemond still lingered, the gravity of his warning clear in her mind. If she faltered, if she allowed even a hint of doubt to slip through, he would see it. And the consequences of that would be dire.

Pacing the room, she rehearsed her lines mentally, going over every possible scenario, every potential question he might pose. She had to embody the role of the dutiful wife completely, to the point where even she believed it. Her survival depended on it.

Visenya paused, her fingers brushing against the fabric of her dress. She had chosen this garment deliberately, a blend of her heritage and her new station. It was a symbol of the duality she now had to navigate, a reminder of who she was and who she needed to become.

She took a deep breath, steadying herself. The rain continued to pour outside, a relentless cascade that mirrored the storm within her. But she couldn't afford to be swept away by the current. She had to stand firm, to control the narrative.

It wasn't as if she hadn't acted before. Visenya had lied and manipulated countless times, all for her own benefit. Deception had been a skill honed through years of navigating the treacherous waters of her life. Her parents, especially her father, Daemon, had been her most frequent targets.

Daemon had always been a challenging presence, his expectations and ambitions casting long shadows over her life. Visenya had learned early on that to survive and thrive, she needed to play the game with precision and cunning. She had perfected the art of presenting a facade that suited her needs, masking her true intentions behind a veil of dutiful obedience and feigned innocence.

As she stood in her chambers, the memories of those past deceptions flickered through her mind. She recalled the countless times she had spun intricate webs of lies to achieve her goals, the way she had skillfully navigated her father's scrutinizing gaze, ensuring he saw only what she wanted him to see.

Visenya's relationship with her father had been a complex dance of power and control. Daemon was a man who respected strength and cunning, and she had learned to wield those traits as effectively as any weapon. She had become adept at concealing her true thoughts and emotions, presenting a carefully crafted image that served her purposes.

The problem with her father was that she was just so similar to him. It was a truth her mother had pointed out countless times, usually in moments of exasperation or disapproval. Rhaenyra's disapproval often followed these confrontations. "You're too much like him," she'd say, as if that explained everything. In those moments, Visenya could see the pain in her mother's eyes, the worry that her daughter would follow a path fraught with danger and conflict.

Daemon Targaryen was a man of fire and ambition, his will unyielding and his methods often ruthless. He was a figure of power and defiance, traits that Visenya had inherited in full measure. From a young age, she had shown the same fierce independence and relentless drive that defined her father. Where others might have been daunted by his formidable presence, she had always met it head-on, unafraid to challenge him.

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