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As Visenya mounted Vermithor, her mighty dragon with scales gleaming under the morning sunlight, the weight of her journey from Dragonstone to King's Landing carried more than the mere physical distance.

The wind rushed past them as they soared through the open skies, the rhythmic beating of Vermithor's wings creating a harmonious dance with the currents.

Beneath them, the cerulean waters of Blackwater Bay shimmered in the sunlight. unfolded like a sprawling canvas, its cerulean waters reflecting the uncertainty that echoed in Visenya's mind.

Her silver hair billowed in the wind, and her violet eyes scanned the horizon with a mix of determination and anticipation.

The echo of her words resounded in her mind. "I will not go without Vermithor." It wasn't just a statement of preference; it was a proclamation of an unbreakable connection. Vermithor, with scales catching the sunlight, seemed to share in the memory, a silent partner in this journey. He was a part of her, a part that she couldn't leave behind. 

However, amidst the beauty of the flight, a shadow lingered. Thoughts of the petition from Vaemond Velaryon gnawed at the edges of Visenya's consciousness. The claim to surpass her younger brother, Lucerys, as heir of Driftmark added an undercurrent of tension to the journey. As the landscape waters beneath them, so did the dynamics of her family's complicated relationships.

The thought of reuniting with her uncles and aunt, particularly Aemond stirred a mix of nervous anticipation and curious wonder. The last time they had crossed paths was seared into her memory—Driftmark, the day Aemond lost his eye. It had been a moment that left an indelible mark on their shared history.

Nervous anticipation gripped Visenya as she pondered the upcoming reunion. Her childhood companion, Aemond, had undergone significant changes since that fateful day. The uncertainties of their altered dynamics weighed heavily on her heart, and a curious longing to understand how time had sculpted his life hung in the air.

Aemond had been more than uncle; he had been her confidant, her partner in mischief, and a comforting presence in their shared childhood. The idea of his potential resentment gnawed at Visenya's thoughts. The incident at Driftmark had cast shadows over their relationship, and she couldn't help but wonder if Aemond harbored animosity towards her now.

Vermithor, an extension of her very being, responded to her subtle commands, making the flight feel like an intimate conversation between rider and dragon. The waters below transformed as they approached King's Landing—the sprawling city, the Red Keep, and the intricate tapestry of streets gradually revealing themselves.

As the Red Keep came into view, Visenya couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude for the decision made earlier today. The skies offered a sense of freedom that no boat could provide, and Vermithor, with every beat of his wings, reaffirmed their unspoken pact.

As they neared the capital, Visenya couldn't shake a sense of both familiarity and unease. Memories of her childhood in King's Landing mingled with the complexities that awaited her. The dragon's wings beat with a reassuring strength, offering a silent promise of protection.

Descending towards the Dragonpit, Visenya and Vermithor cast an impressive shadow over King's Landing. The journey, though majestic, carried an undercurrent of tension, as if the winds whispered secrets of the challenges that lay ahead.

The Dragonpit, a colossal structure standing as a testament to the might of House Targaryen and their dragons, loomed over Visenya as she landed with Vermithor. The exterior of this ancient marvel bore the scars of time, its weathered stone walls telling stories of years gone by.

The Dragonpit echoed with the subtle sounds of dragon claws meeting stone, and Visenya dismounted with a fluid grace, her silver hair catching the sunlight. Vermithor, a majestic presence beside her, exuded the aura of a protector. The moment held a certain gravity, as if the skies themselves acknowledged the return of dragon and rider to the heart of the realm.

The architectural grandeur of the Dragonpit manifested in its immense size, the circular structure rising majestically against the skyline of King's Landing. The exterior, adorned with intricate carvings and reliefs depicting dragons in various poses, spoke to an era when these mythical creatures were not just companions but revered symbols of power.

Massive archways marked the entrance, each adorned with Targaryen sigils and intricate dragon motifs. The courtyard surrounding the Dragonpit, paved with cobblestones worn smooth by hundreds of years of footsteps, held an air of history. Tall, arched windows allowed glimpses into the cavernous interior, where, in times past, dragons roamed freely.

Vines and ivy, resilient to the passage of time, clung to the stone walls, adding a touch of nature's embrace to the man-made marvel. As the sun cast its warm glow upon the Dragonpit, the stone seemed to come alive with hues of gold and amber, creating a mesmerizing spectacle.

The air around the Dragonpit carried a sense of mystique and reverence, as if the spirits of dragons from bygone eras lingered in the very stones. The exterior, though weathered, retained an awe-inspiring presence.

After Visenya dismounted Vermithor in the shadow of the Dragonpit, a group of seasoned dragonkeepers approached, their attire reflecting the ancient lineage of their responsibilities. Their movements were methodical and practiced, a dance choreographed by centuries of handling dragons.

"Kesan daor ivestragī ao umbagon kesīr syt bōsa ñuha jorrāelagon" Visenya spoke out to vermithor while her hand rested affectionately on his scaled neck "Ziry iksos syt iā mība jēda mērī". (I will not let you stay here for long my love, It's for a short time only) 

Vermithor, towering and majestic, submitted to the guidance of the dragonkeepers. The handlers, each with weathered faces etched with the knowledge of generations, approached the dragon with a blend of respect and familiarity.

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