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Visenya sat alone in her chambers, the silence of the room only amplifying her thoughts. She perched on the window bench, a book resting on her lap, but her gaze was fixed beyond the pages. She watched over Blackwater Bay, its waters a serene expanse under the midday sun. The waves moved lazily, lapping against the shore with a gentle, rhythmic caress that contrasted starkly with the turmoil in her heart.

It was a calm day, the kind of day that used to bring her peace. Now, it only deepened her sense of confinement. She sighed, the sound barely audible in the stillness of the room. Her book lay open, its words blurring into meaningless symbols.

Her fingers traced absentmindedly over the pages, but her mind was far from the story. The stillness of the bay mirrored her own stagnation. Every day in this castle felt like an echo of the one before, a monotonous cycle that eroded her spirit.

Boredom gnawed at her, a constant companion in her solitary existence. She longed for something—anything—to break the monotony. She missed the days of adventure, the thrill of discovery, and the simple pleasures of a life unburdened by political schemes.

Visenya shifted her position, trying to find a semblance of comfort. The castle felt suffocating, each corridor and chamber a reminder of her captivity. She glanced back at her book, its story a poor substitute for the life she craved. How many times had she turned to these pages, hoping to find distraction, only to be met with the harsh reality of her situation?

Visenya felt an intense need to break the monotony that had settled over her like a suffocating shroud. The thought of reading another book filled her with a sense of dread; the words on the pages had begun to blur together, their stories offering no escape from her current reality.

She longed to see Vermithor, to feel the exhilarating rush of wind against her face as she soared through the skies on his back, to lose herself in the freedom that flight offered. But that was a distant dream, a fantasy she could only indulge in her mind. Her reality was far more constrained.

Visenya stood up abruptly, the book she had been pretending to read sliding off her lap and landing with a resounding thud on the floor. The sound echoed in the quiet chamber, breaking the stillness that had settled over her like a suffocating blanket.

She felt a spark of determination ignite within her as she glanced around, searching for something—anything—to lift her spirits and break the relentless cycle of her thoughts. Her gaze landed on a small wooden carved horse placed on the hearth, its presence a poignant reminder of the love she had for horses.

Memories of happier times flooded her mind, times when she rode freely, either on her dragon or on a horse, feeling the wind in her hair and the ground rushing beneath her. The powerful yet gentle creatures offering a sense of peace and connection that felt almost magical. In those moments, she had felt truly free, unburdened by the heavy cloak of duty and expectation that now enveloped her.

The decision came swiftly and with a sense of clarity she hadn't felt in days: she would visit the horses in the stables by the training yard. Horses had always been a source of solace for her. Their calm and loving nature, coupled with their unique personalities and habits, provided a sanctuary from the chaos and deceit that pervaded the court. They were creatures of simplicity and honesty, untainted by the poisonous politics that swirled around her daily.

With renewed purpose, she moved towards the table, She grabbed an apple from a basket, knowing it would be a welcome treat for one of the horses. The thought of seeing them, of feeling their warm breath and the soft texture of their noses as they nuzzled her for treats, filled her with a quiet anticipation.

As she made her way to the heavy wooden doors of her chamber, she felt a sense of resolve solidify within her. Opening the door, she was greeted by Ser Emory, who stood ever-vigilant at his post. His stern expression softened slightly as she smiled at him, a small but genuine gesture.

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