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Danica woke up to thunderous shouting and stomping on the stairs. She pulled her pillow over her head and closed her eyes again. All she wanted to do was go to sleep. She needed to rest her mind. She didn't want to think anymore and she sure as hell didn't want to feel anymore either.

The door to her room flew open. Danica didn't move. Whatever they wanted they could just turn right back around and leave her the hell alone.

"Get the fuck up, Dani!" Maddox bellowed, pulling the blankets off her revealing her panty-covered ass.

Danica threw her pillow in the general direction where his voice had come from and kept her eyes closed.

"God damn it, woman! Get the hell up or I swear I will dump your ass in the pool! You've been up here three fucking days! Enough!"

Three days? It felt like she had just laid down. Three days? Strong arms slid underneath Danica's torso and lifted her up.

"What are you doing!" She tried to throw herself back on the bed, but Maddox's arms were too strong for her to break his hold. She didn't care that her ass was on display for every brother and sister in that house. All she cared about was not being thrown in the pool. It was freezing outside, and she wanted her bed.

Maddox began to go down the stairs and she reached out and held on to the banister for dear life.

"Let go or I will tear your arms off!" he warned her, pulling harshly on her.

Danica shook her head no. "Damn you to hell, Maddox! Let me go!" She wriggled her body like a worm, but it did nothing for her situation except make her shirt ride up her stomach almost revealing her full, braless breasts.

"What the hell are you doing, Madd?" Vaughn appeared at the top of the stairs.

Maddox turned to him and grinned. "Get her arms off the banister, now!"

She shook her head at Vaughn and pleaded with her eyes. "Please, don't!"

Laughter came from everywhere, but no one stepped in to help her. No one dared go against their president and founding father's heir or the Enforcer of the club.

Vaughn reached out and began to pry her fingers off one by one trying not to laugh with the rest of the brothers and sisters.

"You asshat! Let me go! You'll make me catch my death!" She wriggled some more but Maddox's hold got tighter around her.

Once Vaughn pried the last finger, Maddox threw her over his shoulder and descended the rest of the steps and walked through the living room and through the kitchen and went outside where the freezing breeze made her ass twitch from the cold.

"Maddox don't do it! God damn it sto—" Her words were caught off when she hit the freezing water. She swam up and surfaced with her hair slicked back. Her whole body shook, and it didn't take long for her lips to turn blue.

The crowd that had gathered around the pool laughed and pointed at her like immature children instead of grown ass men and women.

"What the hell are you doing, Dani? Your mother wouldn't want to see you like this." Maddox crouched at the edge of the pool.

"My mother didn't give a shit about me. All she cared about was her next fix and fucking you!" She slapped the water trying to splash him, but he stood up quickly and moved back.

"Your mother did the best she could. She always tried to be there for you!" Maddox bellowed, pointing at her.

A bitter laugh left Danica's lips. "Where the hell was she when I was getting crucified and almost raped! Where was she when Ember died! Where the hell was she? Stoned out of her damn mind! Don't pretend to make my dead junkie mother out to be something she never was!" Danica screamed out as tears welled up in her eyes. She swam to the other end of the pool and climbed the steps holding her arms around her shaking body.

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