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Falcon had no idea as to why Aleksey would trust the Children of Chaos with the safety of Danica and not the Fallen Angels. Mia and Ember had both been sisters and Mia had been with Maddox for some years. He had been the closest thing to a father for Danica and it was only logical for him to be watching out for her as he had always done, not some strange biker club who weren't worth their salt.

"Why the hell would you pay them to watch Dani and not us? The money would have never been an issue." Maddox was pissed now.

"Da, money would have never been an issue with you, but Mia would have. I did love that woman. That infuriating and hardheaded woman who insisted on going back to you instead of staying with me. Call it pride or a weak ego. I know I made a mistake."

"I call it plain fucking stupid!" Maddox bellowed, causing Dmitri to pull out his gun and pointing it at his head.

Aleksey motioned to Dmitri to lower his weapon which his underboss hesitated some but finally put it away.

"We are men, no? We are fueled by power, greed, and love. Some are fueled only you say it? Physical need, yes. I was fueled by something different which caused me to be blinded. I wasn't too young when I took up with Mia as you say, but I had a lot on my head. Things became increasingly difficult with her, and I made the wrong choice."

"Yeah, well, your choice got my woman killed," Falcon said with a bitter tone.

"I will forever regret this."

"Regret won't bring her back to me, now, will it? Cut the shit and tell us what the fuck you're doing here now? If Franco is no longer in the equation, then why do you need Hendrix? What is really going on?"

Aleksey sized the two men up for quite some time. He had done his research and it all had come back positive about them.

It was true that Maddox had taken his woman, unwittingly but he had taken her, nonetheless. His pride had been too strong, and he had made a mistake. A mistake that caused the life of his only child.

"We will lay my child to rest in peace then we will talk business," Aleksey said and with that he walked out leaving Dmitri to deal with Hendrix and Maddox and Falcon to question their strategy.

Once back in the safety of their truck, Maddox and Falcon waited to be a safe distance from any prying eyes or nosy ears.

"Maybe we went about this all wrong," Maddox said taking his eyes off the road and turning to Falcon who had his index finger over his lips and shaking his head no.

Maddox clamped his mouth shut and gave him an understanding nod.

Falcon took out his cell phone and began to write a text.

Don't say a fucking thing Madd, the truck could be bugged, and I don't put it past that Russian bastard to have done it. We need to go back to the Fallen house and figure this shit out. There's something bigger going on than Aleksey is saying.

Falcon held his phone up and waited for Maddox to read it and nodded his head in response. Falcon put his phone away after erasing the message and began to make idle chit chat just in case the truck had been bugged, they didn't want Aleksey to know that they were on to him. They would have to be more careful now than ever. Everything they had set up could come tumbling down because of a damn Russian who had trusted the wrong people to care of Danica.


The day was overcast. Not a ray of sunshine could be seen through the thick black clouds in the sky. The funeral procession had taken them about two hours. A special side car had been added to Falcon's Harley, so he could transport the casket to the cemetery where they would lay the woman he loved to rest alongside her mother and sister.

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