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Falcon reached the second floor and saw Vaughn in the middle of the stairs holding a lifeless Danica. He was covered in blood and his face was pale.

"Dani! Baby!" Falcon shouted and rushed to her side. "Where is she hit?" Falcon asked checking her body.

"Baby, what happened? Are you hurt?" she raised her head and reached out for Falcon.

The woman was bleeding, and she was worried about him. Falcon felt an overwhelming urge to cry but he didn't. He had to get Danica to the hospital.

The sirens closed in, Falcon took Danica in his arms and instructed Vaughn to find out what the hell was going on.

As he stepped out of the house the paramedics ran up the front steps.

"She's been shot, help her now!" he barked and rushed Danica to one of the ambulances that had parked in front and laid her down on the gurney.

The paramedics got to work on her and stabilized her and told Falcon that she had to be taken in.

"Falcon! Where is she?" Bexley came running out of the house terrified.

"Bex! Ride with her and don't leave her side." Falcon helped her up into the ambulance and closed the doors.

Glass was everywhere, luckily there weren't any casualties but a lot of the brothers and sisters that had been on the first floor and the stairs like Danica had gotten wounded. Minor cuts from glass as well but no deaths.

"Who the hell brought this down on our house!" Falcon bellowed wanting answers.

"I got brothers out right now, but it looks like the Children of Chaos sent the hit and Danica was the target," Vaughn said as he helped a sister to her feet and sat her down on the couch.

"How the hell do you know that?" Falcon was dangerously close to losing it. His woman was en route to the hospital and the Fallen house was all shot up to hell. He needed answers and fast.

"I got a message and it said that they would see us at Magnolia Fields at the family reunion," Vaughn told him, storming out of the house.

"And you assume that the hit was for Dani from that?"

Vaughn stopped and whirled around. "Her mom and Ember are buried at Magnolia Fields, Falcon, so yeah I know the hit was for her. Shit is going down, and Dani is in the middle of it, and we have to figure out why."

Falcon hated to admit it, Vaughn was right. The message was clear, and Danica was in danger.

"Get to the hospital and guard her with your damn life, Vaughn." Falcon turned around and stormed back in the house and went to their room and took all the bags Danica had packed and carried them out to the truck.

He picked up the papers and files he had left on the steps and left orders for everyone, and no one questioned him.

He got inside his truck and dialed Maddox's number. He answered on the first ring.

How the hell did the man know everything ahead of time? "Vaughn got a message telling him they would see us at Magnolia Fields at the family reunion and he says the hit was intended for Dani. My woman got shot Maddox and I want blood!" Falcon shouted as he drove to the hospital.

"I'm already taking care of things, Falcon. We need to use this to our advantage. Stay calm brother, I'm on my way. Shit just got real for us, but we got a handle on it now. Remember the plan?"

"Yeah, what about it?"

"We do it now. The Children of Chaos just made everything easier for us. We need to take this opportunity and flip it on them. I want their damn blood, Falcon just as much as you do."

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