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Danica woke up to loud moaning and screaming. She threw her covers off and rushed through the connecting bathroom and burst into Bexley's room ready to protect her friend, but instead of finding her friend in trouble she found a very naked Titus on top of Bexley pounding away at her.

Bexley moaned and urged him on.

Danica shut her eyes and turned around closing the door behind her. Her eyes had been violated yet again.

Laughing and happy for her friends, Danica got in the shower and washed her hair with her vanilla shampoo. She soaped her body with her loofa and when she came to her still flat stomach, she felt nothing for the life that was growing inside her. She had always thought of having children but with a man she loved not with a man she just had sex with for the fun and pleasure of it. She had gotten herself in a real mess and she was left alone to deal with it. She had no idea what crazy thoughts had gone through Vaughn's head to make him cut and run the way he had. Because she was sure that he had cut and run with his tail between his legs. She was not about to marry the man. He had slept with her and that had been the extent of their relationship and she had made that very clear. The least he could have done was wait to see if she in fact was pregnant and offer to help her somehow. Hell, he could've even offered to pay for the abortion...which she had considered but opted against it, but it was the thought of helping her in her time of need that counted, but he had chosen the coward's way out.

Danica dressed in a pair of skinny jeans and a gun metal wrap-around blouse that tied with a bow on the side with the long tails falling. She wore her high-heeled ankle boots and pulled her raven hair back in a low ponytail and applied minimal make-up as always. She put her silver dangly earrings in and pleased with her appearance opened the door to her room to walk out and bumped into Falcon's hard chest.

"Sweet baby monkeys." She rubbed her nose and head. "You can really hurt someone with that." She pointed at his muscular chest and took a few steps back.

Falcon chuckled. "Sweet baby monkeys? Really?" He laughed at her choice of words.

"Well, I thought I should stop cursing so much considering..." she trailed off and pointed to her flat stomach housing the baby that would come out eventually even if she didn't want it to.

"Yeah, well..." Falcon stepped inside the room and closed the door behind him. "You look beautiful, Dani. Going somewhere?"

The look in Falcon's eyes was a look she knew how to read in all men that looked at her. It was the unmistakable 'I want to have my way with you' look.

She knew that she wasn't a raving beauty, but she was pretty enough, and she did have a nice curvy body and a round ass that demanded attention and the look coming from Falcon didn't bother her one bit, if in fact she was correct in reading the man.

"I need to go find a job. I can't keep living here and not pulling my weight."

Falcon shook his head no. "Out of the question. You need to stay where you're safe. Maddox wouldn't want you at risk and with that bastard Cain still on the lose—"

"Cain? Is that his name?" she cut him off taking a few steps closer to him.

Damn it. Falcon realized his mistake. "The Fallen Angels take care of their own and you are—"

"Not one of you," she cut him off again.

"Well, that can be easily fixed. I do know the VP of the Club and I'm told that aside from being a handsome and sexy devil he's very reasonable. I'm sure if you ask him nicely, he'll make an exception for you." He gave her a devilish smile and took her in his arms and without thinking bent down and kissed her on the lips.

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