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Danica didn't sleep much that night. Her mind would not shut down denying her any kind of reprieve from the thoughts that assaulted her. Falcon held her tight and every time she wanted to move and readjust her position his arm would tighten around her.

Melanie's words circled her mind until her brain hurt. Falcon was a very sexy man. He had everything a woman could want physically. He was six feet 2 inches tall and full of muscle and he was devastatingly handsome. What was not to like? He was protective of his family be it blood or Fallen Angel. He was possessive but not violent. He was thoughtful and kind and sweet and every woman's dream man. There was nothing wrong with him, but Danica still thought he was too good to be true.

She had been hurt too many times. The one man she thought would never hurt her stepped out on her breaking every belief she had had of him. She was tired of feeling she wasn't good enough. Like there was something wrong with her, preventing the men in her life from wanting her enough. Wasn't she enough? What was missing in her that the men in her life always went to find it somewhere else?

Falcon had always been around, but Danica had never seen him as more than the VP of the Fallen Angels. He had come to the title early in life and it had made a lot of brothers and sisters upset but he had proven he deserved the position over and over again throughout the years.

He was smart and maybe that was what scared Danica the most. That he would one day wake up next to her and not want her there anymore. That would simply destroy her.

"I can hear you thinking. What's wrong?" Falcon yawned and turned his head towards her with his eyes still closed.

Danica sat up slowly and looked at Falcon. She was not one to beat around the bush either. She liked things clear and simple.

"What do you want with me, Falcon?"

Falcon's eyes opened. It was early dawn and much too early to be having that conversation. "Have you been up all night wondering what it is I want with you?"

"Just tell me, please." She wanted to know what it was that he wanted. If it was a relationship based solely on sex then she could handle that, but she wanted clarity.

"Do you want benefits with me or what exactly?" she insisted and would keep him there until he told her.

"Benefits? What the hell do you mean?" He rubbed his stubbly face and scooted up against the headboard placing the pillows behind his head and back for comfort.

"You know, a relationship that is purely based on sex and nothing more."

Falcon gave her one of his serious looks and he crossed his arms over his chest. "What kind of man do you take me for?"

He was angry. She had angered him. That had not been her intention. She lowered her head as her eyes prickled with tears. Melanie had warned her that she would be extra sensitive due to all the hormones still in her body and the trauma she had just gone through would also affect her.

"Look at me," he ordered her in a stern but soft tone.

Danica raised her head and looked at him.

"I want all of you. The fucking, the love making, the dating and the discussions and the arguing, hopefully not much of the arguing but I will take it all. I know your type of crazy, sweetheart and I don't mind it one bit. The question is, will you be able to handle my crazy?"

Danica sat there looking at his serious but handsome face. "As long as you don't hit me or cheat on me I can handle your crazy."

"The only way my hand will come at you is to make you scream over and over again as I please you and I would never disrespect you or myself by cheating on you," he assured her.

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