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Danica texted Bexley and asked her to come to Falcon's room. Ten minutes later she was there sitting on the bed shaking her head at Danica's idea.

"I won't help you this time, mamma." Bexley stood up and went to her friend and slapped her across the face but not too hard but hard enough for Danica to be shaken up. "You have a good man in your life finally and because of your personal shit you're going to hurt him by leaving? Grow the fuck up, Nica. Stop taking all the happy out of your life. Shit happens, mamma and you have to rise above it and move past it. Falcon doesn't deserve what Vaughn did to you. If you want to leave fine, but don't count on me to help you ruin the best thing in your life."

Danica didn't know what to say. Bexley was never one to sugar coat anything and she had just gone for Danica's jugular.

"Falcon needs a strong woman by his side, not a basket case that breaks down every time there is too much stress to handle." She defended her point, but Bexley wouldn't have any of it.

"Strong woman? Fuck you, Danica! There is no woman stronger than you. You survived an attack that would have destroyed many, but it didn't destroy you. You have survived heartache like no other and you came out standing tall after the shit with Vaughn and the miscarriage. I don't see you crying in a ball in bed feeling sorry for yourself so don't give me this I'm not strong enough shit!" Bexley advanced on her friend one more time and Danica put up her hands as to ward off an impeding slap.

"Fine, I hear you and I love you Bex, but if you ever slap me again, I will take your ovaries and choke you with them." Danica didn't raise her voice, but Bexley knew she had stepped over a very dangerous line when she had slapped her friend, no matter how much she had needed that slap, she had crossed the line that not many dared cross.

"Yeah, you're definitely the kind of woman Falcon needs by his side," Bexley said, hugging her friend.

Danica lay in Falcon's bed enjoying the smell of him on the pillows and sheets. The day had slipped by her, filled with thoughts of the man she had never thought would be her rock. She missed him and that alarmed her. She had known Falcon for years and she had never seen him as anything more than just another brother of the Fallen Angels, until that day in his office when he had told her that he was there for her and then the kiss they had shared in her room, that kiss had changed everything for her. That kiss had not only made her body sing with pleasure and want for that man, but it had reached her soul. That kiss had been a soul searing kiss and that had been the pivotal point in how she saw Falcon.

Her phone ringing brought her back from her deep thoughts. She smiled when she saw Falcon's name on the caller ID.

"Hey baby." His voice was tired.

"Hey, how are you? Did you get there okay? No trouble?" She laid against the pillows and let the smell of him engulf her. This was the first time he had been able to call her since he had left, and she was so glad that he had.

"Yeah, it was a long and lonely trip, but I made it fine. I'm staying at the Chicago Fallen house for two more days to deal with some shit here and then I'll meet up with Maddox. How are you?"

Danica loved how he included her in his life, both personal and business. The Fallen Angel Motorcycle Club wasn't like most clubs where each chapter had a president, and it was a separate extension of the main club. Maxwell and Marcus had both agreed that the extensions of the club would remain under one president and one vice president but they each would have a third in command that would take care of each chapter reporting directly to the VP or the President, and Maddox kept on with the tradition when he took over. It was the easiest way to keep the peace and the funds in the family without having to worry about theft and disloyalty from the brothers and sisters. It was hard work but, in the end, it always paid off.

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