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Unable to go job hunting and being on lockdown as per Falcon's orders, Danica was going insane. It had only been three days since he issued the order of no sister walks alone, which was being taken very seriously.

Titus drove Bexley to and from work every day and Danica had guards following her around even in the backyard. Falcon had told them to watch her like a hawk because she liked escaping and she was good at it. Little did they know that Danica was already planning on how to give them the slip and get out for at least an hour without being watched.

"Come on, Bex. Help me mamma, I need to get out of these four walls before I go bat shit crazy."

"You know I would love nothing more than to help you out mamma, but this shit is not a game. The women that have been attacked have an uncanny resemblance to you it's scary. I think you should listen to Falcon on this one."

Danica left her bed and went to the window. If the women that Cain was attacking looked like her, did that mean that he was after her again? Why was Cain after her? what had she done to make him attack her in the first place? And why after all those years had he decided to resurface?

Danica told Bexley she would see her later and headed down to find Falcon. He knew a lot more than he was telling her and his reaction to her getting hurt again was a little on the severe side.

Falcon was nowhere to be found. He was not in his office, and he was not in the house. Danica needed to know what the hell had happened six years ago. She needed to get her memory back of the night she was attacked. She had flashes here and there of the man that had taken her, but she couldn't remember if it had in fact been Cain.

Why would Falcon think it was Cain? And how the hell would he know it was him in the first place?

Wanting answers, Danica went to look for Naya who seemed to know more than she let on as well.

Sitting at the breakfast nook Danica found Naya sipping on a hot cup of chocolate. Danica sat down and took one whiff of the hot chocolate and her stomach churned. She stood up quickly and held her finger up for Naya to give her a minute while she ran to the downstairs bathroom. She flung the door open and barely made it to the toilet where she emptied her stomach.

Naya walked inside the bathroom and held her ponytail out of the way and rubbed her back. "So, want to tell me how far along you are and I'm guessing that Vaughn is the father."

Not being able to throw anything else up, Danica stood up and washed her mouth. She used the mouth wash and rinsed her mouth out again.

"Please keep your voice down. Not everyone knows, and I would like to keep it that way."

Sitting back at the breakfast nook, Naya drank hot tea thinking it a safer choice while talking to Danica.

"I need to know what happened the night I was attacked?" Danica kept her voice low. No one needed to know her business.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that I remember bits and pieces after when I was in the hospital. I remember the dagger." Danica had to stop and take a deep breath. "I remember being crucified on the hardwood floor and the pain, but I can't remember his face or the man that found me and saved me. If it hadn't been for him, I would be dead."

Naya sipped her hot tea and held the warm cup in her hands. "I visited you in the hospital every day. I saw how broken you were after the attack. Ember couldn't handle it and you know what happened there, no need to dredge that shit up."

"I know but the other day, Falcon let the name Cain slip out and didn't mention it again. I thought Cain was a Child of Chaos? What the hell would he be doing in Fallen Angel territory?"

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