My Valentine

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Miguel and I been close friends since freshman year,along with the rest of our group but him and I talk more and are the closet.

It's February 12th,closer to Valentine's Day.And once again I'm single but the guys and I including Maddy don't really pay attention to it,

"I'm so bored" I whine to the group,we were hanging at Miguel's house like we always.I was laying down on his bed where my head was at the edge,miguel was sitting in his gaming chair while Mason,Tristan were sitting beside me.

Brady and Maddy were sitting on the floor near where my head was at, "we all are" Brady said.

"Hey I decided to ask this girl to be my Valentine,she's in my science class" Tristan said,

"The four eyes?" Mason asked,Tristan scoffed.

"Yes the fOuR eYeS" Tristan mocked him causing me to giggle,I then rolled over to pick my head up and put it my head on my hands.

"Remember the girl I told you about that I met at a family party? Well we been texting a lot and I'm thinking about her as my Valentine" Brady said,we all just gave "oh wow" "nice" responses.

"Some random kid asked me to his Valentine and i said yes for the gifts obviously " Maddy said,I chuckled.

"I'm asking lily to be my Valentine" Mason blurted out,we all looked at him. "Yeah I decided to not be a pussy and finally make a move" Lilly was mason's crush and they were flirty but never really spoke about what they want.

"Wait wait you guys have Valentine's this year? This sucks! We can't go out and fake vomit when we see couples!" I said,

"Well mikey doesn't have a Valentine" Brady points out, "right mikey?" Miguel then looked unsure.

"Actually I plan on asking a girl to be my Valentine" he said playing with his fingers,I scoffed.That kinda hurt my feelings too not having my close friend there with me?

"Unbelievable,what am I doing wrong? Is there something wrong with me?" I said sitting up on my knees.

"There's nothing wrong with you y/n" Maddy said,I looked down and shook my head.


Everyone else but me already left,I usually stay longer since I'm close to miguel and we like to have our own conversations.

"So you never really got to tell me about this girl that you want to ask" I said laying on my stomach with my feet up,playing with my rings.(she has socks on weirdo)

"Uh yeah,I just never really spoke on her" he said sitting next to me,

"Well why not,I'm guessing she isn't that special then for me to know huh?" I said laughing,he chuckled.

"No actually she's really special to me it's just..I don't know i didn't want to tell you" he said,hearing him say that kinda hurt my stomach but I didn't want to show it.

"Oh..okay" I said nodding trying to not look offended but I'm guessing from my tone he knew I was.

"It's not that I didn't want to tell you, it's just I had a good reason not to"

"It's fine mikey,you didn't want to tell me..I can't force you to." He sighed, "I should get going" I said getting up and grabbing my sweater.

"Wha-what? You usually stay longer" he said getting up along with me.I zipped up my sweater and making sure I got all my personal belongings,

"Well maybe the special girl you like wouldn't appreciate you having another girl here alone right?" He stood silent as his eyes softened.i gave him a weak smile before leaving,

He just stood there,not moving while looking down


I walked into school seeing couples paired up or single students giving others dirty looks and passing by,I walked to my locker and started putting in my combination.

I finally opened my locker seeing roses behind a big card saying "Will you be my Valentine?" I gasped since I was caught off guard,next to the card was a folded paper.

I opened the paper and started reading it,

To my other half,

It's you,you're the special girl.You are my special girl..I've had this crush on you from the moment I laid eyes on you and I think I'm a pretty good darn actor for hiding it but I decided to say fuck it and tell you that I want to be with you,that I want you to be mine.Will you?

Love mikey,

I started smiling,he felt the same way about me.I grabbed the flowers and smelt them,they were real and they smelt amazing.I started looking around and noticed miguel by his locker watching me with a smirk.

He started walking towards me, "Will you?" He whispered

"Yes I will" I whispered back,wrapping my arms around his neck,as he wrapped his around my waist causing us to rock back and forth.

Hope you liked!

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