Teacher's pet

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I was already annoyed with being at school,I wanted to graduate already which I was since I'm a senior but the date isn't even close enough.

The bell rang for 3rd period,my favorite period,for a basic reason.The teacher is nice to look at,he was pretty young for a teacher which made him cool

He allowed us to listen to music if we're doing independent work,use our phones during free time obviously after we finish our work.

He will extend the date of a test or quiz if we actually seem like we're trying to understand what's going on,overall he's my favorite teacher

He also makes me kinda nervous whenever he looks towards my direction or even at me due to his pretty eyes,I wasn't doing good in his class so he's trying to push me forward for graduation.

I shut my locker before making my way to his class,I wanted to go back in bed and rub my fuzzy socks together while watching Netflix

I watch other girls come in,immediately drooling over Mr.Mora.he honestly didn't dress like a typical teacher with the button up or dress shoes and pants

He wore t-shirts and jeans or sweats with his teacher ID hanging around his neck,he had gorgeous hair and he knew how to take care of it.

He will have it in a low ponytail or a messy/neat bun but we craved when he will have it naturally down his shoulders and that's how he had it today.

He waited for the rest of the students to come in before he can get started,I went over to my seat then sat down

I pulled out my phone to scroll for a bit to pass by the waiting time

"Y/n" I heard,I looked up seeing mr.mora close to me and my seat "do me a favor and switch with Sabrina"

My eyebrows knitted as well as Sabrina who adored him,honestly i think she has a shrine of him

"Wait why? I'm okay up here" Sabrina spoke,Mr.Mora turned his head

"Well I want y/n there,so get up and switch" he demanded,I sighed as I grabbed my bag before getting up

Sabrina glared at me as she passed by me,I don't know why the bitch is mad at me when it wasn't my idea to move

I sat down in the front seat already hating this,I like the back way more.

"Thanks y/n" he muttered while tapping my shoulder,I gave him a reassuring smile along with a nod.he got in front of the class

"Alright I don't wanna waste my time so raise your hand if you did the homework" he says

I raised my hand along with few students which was very few,he smiled as he looked at me

"Okay thanks to the ones that completed it,you're useful" he said causing me and some other students to laugh

He also has humor to his teaching,making it more interesting and entertaining.I always had a thing for humor especially in men

"Take out your chromebooks and go to the school website,I posted an assignment which should be done before class is done and you have no excuses since I taught you this" he stated

I quickly pulled my chrome book out my bag,placing it on the desk then opening it

Usually I won't do the work if it was due until 11:59pm but since it's due before class is over then yes,I'll get it done.


I was almost done with the assignment but I kept getting stuck on this part,somehow I didn't understand.

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