Stressed out

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Y/N POV +18

I work in the medical field,everyone knows working in the medical field is a lot of work.You're working many hours and you're in charge of people's lives,can't get your emotions in the way cause the patients need you and you will freak them out,

You lose a patient and it effects you cause you wanted to do everything for that patient to live healthy,But I keep going trying my best not to put my emotions in the way.

Even if i did,I was able to show it when I got home to my son and fiancé,they help me to keep moving.My fiancé miguel always gives me pep talks to motivate me even though we sometimes get into arguments because I'm barely home.

He works from home to be with our son Dante,my little 3 year old always tells me the same thing before I leave for work that always repeats in my head.

I parked the car in our driveway before getting out,it was dark out and Miguel and Dante don't like going to sleep without me there.

I unlocked the front door seeing the house lights still on,I walked in before closing and locking behind me,I took off my shoes before I saw my Dante on the couch on his tablet while miguel was watching tv next to him,

"I'm home" I said with a weak smile,the attention was now on me.Dante made a shock face and tried his best to get off the couch which he did,our boy was smart..he didn't mumble words he actually spoke sentences that made Miguel and I understand him.

He started sprinting over to me, "mommy!" He said with his cute smile causing me to grin while I bend down to pick him up and lift him up.

"mi niño" I greeted him kissing his chubby cheeks,Miguel got up from the couch wearing his simple t-shirt and sweats with his hair down.

"Hey baby,how was work?" He asked walking over to me and planting a kiss on my lips.

"It was..alright" I said,his eyebrows furrowed knowing something was wrong.I looked at Dante who has his head in my neck,

"He was waiting for you to come home before heading to bed,he ate and everything" he said

"That's good,let's put him to bed" I said putting my purse on the counter,our house was a one story since it was just the three of us..once you opened the door your met with the kitchen that's connected with the dining room leading towards the living room,

We walked to Dante's room and placed him in his bed,he likes for us to be there until he falls asleep or he will get scared.I laid next to him caressing his hair so he can slowly fall asleep while miguel was standing there watching,

Dante closed his eyes and slowly started dozing off, "babe?" Miguel whispered,I lifted my head up and let my elbow support me and raised my eyebrows as an answer.

"Did something happen at work?" He asked,i shrugged

"It's the same" I whispered,Dante was now asleep so I got up and started walking to our room that was next door to take off my scrubs.

Miguel followed me and closed the door behind us, "what's going on?" He asked,I turned around to face him.

"Nothing miguel" I said taking off my scrub shirt,he chuckled

"Don't undress in-front me to avoid talking about it",I scoffed "I know there's something wrong,you never come home and just say 'nothing'"

I put on my pjs after changing,Miguel waited in bed trying to speak to me.I finally laid in bed next to miguel as he stared at me, "what?" I asked

"Tell me what's wrong" he demanded

"I'm just stressed out,that's all" I said,he continue to stare at me "I lost a patient today..we literally tried everything we could and..I don't even know what happened,we did everything right and we didn't miss least I think we didn't"

"Come here" he whispered lifting his arm up so I can lay with him so I did,he rubbed my arm to comfort me. "I know it's hard,but you're one hella of a wasn't your fault and I bet it wasn't so don't worry about it,I'm proud of you and you make me proud everyday"

"Dante loves bragging that his mommy is a doctor" he said making me smile, "and believe me that I love bragging that my girl saves lives"

"Yeah?" I said looking up at him,

"Mhm" he said before kissing my forehead, "you should get some rest"

"Actually I was hoping if you would rub my feet? Please?" I asked with a smirk

He laughed, "only because I love you" he said with a smile while sitting up and moving more down to my feet as he grabbed his lotion from the dresser that's near and applied some on his hands.

"Thank you mikey" I said,he looked up at me

"Anything for you"

I'm going into a program after I graduate to work in the medical field and I'm hype!!😩

What do you want to do? Work wise?

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