Celebrity crush

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"Alright we're gonna start in two!" The guy behind the camera said,they called me in to do a little interview with puppies as I just sat on the floor of the set waiting for them.

Finally,the camera was rolling and introduced myself and what we will be doing today.

"Let me see the pups" I said,I saw one puppy starting to sprint towards me as I gasp then another came in and then another.

I felt like I was in heaven surrounding by the cutest things, "how was it filming a horror movie for your first time?"

"Honestly it was cool,getting the call to play a fighter and it was such a-oh my god hi you're so cute" I said getting distracted by holding a puppy as it looked me in the eyes with its cute face. "Sorry,it was such a good opportunity"

"Would you want to be in more horror?"

"Yes! I don't mind playing a killer in one actually,I think I would be a great killer" I said petting two puppies at the same time

"When did you realize you wanted to start acting?"

"How was it filming with Ethan hawk?"

"Who's your favorite actor"

They asked me a lot of questions but I didn't mind cause I could spend more time with the puppies and then they said that they're gonna ask me one last question.

"Who's your celebrity crush?"

I chuckled, "um I would definitely have to say..y/n y/l/n,I think that girl is just honestly amazing at acting and such a kind soul.I would literally freak out if she ever was in the same building as me" I giggled


I was in my dressing room waiting for them to call me for my scene,I decided to go on social media and s just scroll through funny videos or the fan pages and like their posts.

I then noticed they tagged me in clips of an actor,Miguel cazarez mora.I've seen him act and he's really good,Mason Thames thinks that us acting together will be legendary.

He acted with Mason before so he's good friends with the guy,I don't mind meeting him plus he's handsome.I watched the clips that they tagged me in and saw how miguel said I was celebrity crush and how he thinks I'm a kind soul.

Miguel seemed so sweet and I would love to be close with him,I decided to call my friend Mason.I put the phone against my ear as I heard the line ring,

"Hello?" I heard on the other line

"Hey mason!" I said,

"Oh y/n! Hey how's it going" he asked me,

"I'm doing alright,hey I was wondering if you can give your friend miguel my number.Tell him I saw his interview with the puppies and I would love to be in the same building as him"

"Oh okay,he's gonna freak out but I'll give him your number" he said with a chuckle,I smiled

"Yeah I know,I miss you though"

"I miss you more,we need to hang out soon" he said hearing a smirk in his voice.


I walked out the bathroom back to Mason's living room, "alright so we gonna order food or what?" I asked him

He put his phone away before looking at me, "I just got off the phone with a good old friend of mine who wants you to have her number" he told me with a smug on his face

"Oh god,I told you don't set me up with your friends they're weird and only want me for-

"It was y/n-

"Who!!??" I yelled, "you're messing with me" I pointed at him,he laughed

"No I'm serious,she said she saw your interview with the puppies and would love to be in the same building as you"

My heart skipped so many beats,I couldn't believe it.I put my arms over my head,how embarrassing it is that she saw me seeming desperate even though I am but you can't be showing that especially in a interview.

"Well what're you waiting for?! Give it to me!" I yelled immediately pulling my phone out of my pocket and rushing over to him.


I made it back into my dressing room after filming a scene,I sighed being tired and laying on my personal couch.

I decided that I wanted to go on social media,I grabbed it from the charger and unplugged it.I saw that I gotten a text from a random number,

Hey it's miguel cazarez mora
I heard that you saw my interview with the pups?
Kinda embarrassing

                                                                     Y/n y/l/n 🥹
                                                              Oh hi! Yes I did
                         I'm honored to be your celebrity crush

Miguel Cazarez mora😱
I'm honored that you're honored
I'm kinda freaking out

Y/n y/l/n 🥹
I'm not a big famous person

Miguel cazarez mora😱
Yeah but you've been acting longer than me
And you're literally becoming a legend
I'm talking to you,it's hard to believe

Y/n y/l/n 🥹
Aw you're so sweet
Can we have dinner sometime?


"alright bro relax" I told miguel who was grabbing onto my shirt,

"She wants dinner dude!"

"Yes I understand but you're kinda scaring me right now-

"She wants to meet up with me bro,isn't that crazy?" he said with a smirk as I kept looking away from him.

"Yeah that's amazing but like..I need you to get off of me"

"Sorry" he said as he let go of me and took a few steps back,he chuckled "I need to answer her!"


Miguel cazarez mora😱
I would love to have dinner with you
Do you mind if I pick you up?

                                                                Y/n y/l/n 🥹
                                                                Of course!
                                                 I'll send you my address
                     unless you're gonna try and kidnap me

Miguel cazarez mora😱
I mean it's not a bad idea?
I'm kidding!

Part 2? It's debatable tbh

How was your weekend?

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