Boyfriend's best friend pt.2

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"What are you two talking back there huh?" Mason asked looking at miguel and i through the review mirror.

"Nothing important" miguel said before glancing at me then back at Mason.

"Hm yeah okay,move away from her mikey" he demanded,Miguel nodded before moving closer to the window as I rolled my eyes.

We made it to our apartment,we walked in and took the elevator and made it to ours with the guys.We walked in and quickly the guys ran to the couch as I walked to the room and shut the door,

I sighed before hearing the door open and close showing Mason walk in,I scoffed. "What were you talking about with Miguel?" He asked

"Oh my go-nothing Mason"

"Don't lie to me,you was obviously having a full on conversation with him-

"No I wasn't! It wasn't anything important like he said and honestly it's not your business" I told causing him to give me a shock look

"Who the fuck-

He said to himself before laughing,he was crazy.He rushed up to me grabbing my jaw "who are you talking to? Huh?"

"Let me go!" I shouted trying to push him away but his grip was tighten on me

"You should know not to disrespect me! Ever!"

"Miguel!" I called out,Mason's eyebrows furrowed "miguel!"

"Why are you calling miguel for?! He's not gonna do anything-

The door opened revealing Miguel, "miguel!" I called out to him once again finally getting his attention.

"Yo what the fuck!" Miguel said before pulling Mason off of me, "don't fucking touch her" he sternly spoke

"She's my girlfriend,I can touch her if I want to and why the fuck you care?" Mason said

"Clearly she's not yours if you treat her like shit all the damn time"

"Mind your business miguel-

"No I'm tired of seeing you treat her like shit,putting your hands on her is the last fucking straw mason" Miguel stated

"I'm done with you mason,it's over" I said,Mason eyes darted to me.His jaw clenched

"No you're not,you're not leaving me-

"Yes I am,I'm done with the toxic shit and you don't even remember our anniversary!"

"No one is gonna love you like I do-

"I will" miguel said,Mason quickly looked at miguel with confusion.

"What?" Mason said

"I said I will,I will love her but in my way and my way is definitely better than yours."

Miguel wasn't afraid of Mason,he stood up to him and that scared me cause both of them are crazy fighters. "You have a thing for y/n?" Mason asked

"Yeah I do,I really do..if you're not gonna treat her like the beautiful girl she is then I will,I'll treat her better than you and trust and believe me I'm gonna have her glowing"

"She's gonna come running back to me when she gets bored-

"No I won't" I said getting both of them to turn their heads,Miguel didn't think I would go with it but he smirked at me.

"Wait you actually like him?" Mason asked me with a disgust look

"Yeah cause he's actually been doing things you haven't been doing as a boyfriend,he gets me flowers,he remembers my birthdays and he comforts me and he's actually useful" I explained,Mason scoffed

"Get the fuck out,both of you" Mason said

"Gladly" Miguel said,he looked over at me "I'll help you pack" he told me before going into my closet and grabbing the suitcase.

I opened my dresser and started grabbing the folded clothes, "you're actually going with this?" Mason said

"Stop being bipolar and let me pack,I'm leaving Mason and that's it" I said as Miguel opened the case for me,Mason had a frown while he watched us.

"I'm sorry y/n,I'll change and be better" he said as I walked back and forth packing as miguel helped

"Please stay with me,you're everything I wanted and I know I haven't been the best boyfriend but-

"You called me a hoe" I said before continuing to pack as miguel glared at him

"Yeah and you're not,I know you're loyal to me-

"Was" miguel stated getting me to chuckle

"But I was loyal too-

"Don't say that while I'm here" Miguel said causing me to stop,I looked at miguel

"What do you mean?" I asked him, "did he do something?"

Miguel looked down as mason gotten anxious, "he uh-

"Miguel no-

"Cheated..twice" miguel blurt out,my heart dropped.While I've been with him he's been with other girls, "which is why I've been getting closer to you so I can tell you"

I looked at Mason,who had tears in his eyes "oh you're crying? You're crying for cheating on me! You sick fucker" I yelled before slapping him

He looked back at me with his hand covering where I slapped him, "I'm sorry y/n" he said trying to grab my hand but I raised both of my hands so he doesn't touch me.

"I said don't touch her" miguel said getting a glare from Mason

We finally finished packing,miguel and I walked out the room and met with the rest.

"Where is she going?" Tristan asked

"With me" miguel said before looking at me with a smile and reaching his hand out as I connected mine into his.

Mason avoided eye contact with the both of us..

This shit was ASS but I tried so lick me😭

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