Little Crush

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I placed the last dish into the dishwasher before closing it up and turning it on,I began wiping the surrounding the sink dry with the paper towel.

I felt warm arms wrap around my waist making me smirk,I cleared my throat to relax my nerves "hey baby" he whispered while having his head on my shoulder

"Hey babe" I responded as I stood up straight to be in his touch

"Did you finish the dishes?" He asked,I sighed

"Do you see any dishes in the sink" I sarcastically said,he placed his hands on my hips tightening the grip

"Do you want to be able to move again?" He sternly said,i bit my blushing back before I turned to face him "you like being a smartass with me and I said to cut that shit out"

"You're right,my apologies" i muttered,he chuckled

"That's my girl" he says "wanna watch our show? We have a couple of seasons left"

"Yeah now that I'm finished" I say dropping the towel onto the counter,he held my hand as we walked into the living room

He grabbed the remote while I gotten comfortable next to him,he placed his arm over me to pull me even closer

We began watching our show "mommy! Nessa won't let me see her notebook" Sofia says after running over to us

"Well why you want to see her notebook?" I asked

"I saw some hearts with a boy's name" she says while widening her big eyes that she gotten from her dad,i furrowed my eyebrows

"What?" Miguel spoke up,he sarcastically laughed while scratching the back of his neck "wha-what boy? A boy's name? Are you sure it was a boy's name?"

Miguel's biggest fear of being a girl dad was dealing with boys,he's the typical overprotective dad that wants his daughters to be single until they're 40

"Yeah it's Eric" she said,I pressed my lips to hold in my laugh knows miguel is gonna go crazy.He sarcastically laughed again before his face going completely straight

"Nessa!" Miguel shouted,we heard her footsteps come down the hallway into the living room beside Sofia "why is Sofia saying that there's a boy name in your notebook?"

He removed his arm around me as he leaned forward,interlocking his fingers to pay more attention.Nessa side eyed her sister

"Nessa baby,who's Eric?" I asked while crossing my legs,enjoying this.Nessa sighed

"He's this boy in my school,we're always together in recess-

"I'm sorry-together? There's no 'together',you shouldn't be together with this boy at all.I told you boys are gross and stinky" miguel says with a scrunch face

"But daddy I don't think he's stinky,he's nice" she says while tilting at her head

"Aw mija,do you like Eric?" I asked,miguel slowly turned his head at me with a look

"Don't give her ideas" he muttered,I raised my hands in confusion "niña i think Eric should play with his own friends and you play with girls"

"But mommy says I can have boyfriends" nessa said,miguel eyebrows raised as he turned to me while I tried to avoid eye contact

"Did she? Oh mommy is so cool" he sarcastically says while placing his hand on my thigh,patting it a few times "silly mother" he said before tightening the grip making me flinch

"Ow!" I said,miguel pierced his eyes through my soul

"I think what mommy meant was to have friends that are boys not boyfriends" he said

"What's the difference?" Nessa asked,he cleared his throat before looking back at me

"Why don't mami here tell you what it means" he says pinching my thigh again,I moved my leg away from him with a glare

I sighed as I looked at my oldest daughter "a um a boy who's more than a friend I am with daddy" I say while placing my hand on Miguel's chest

"Oh" she says with a smile

"But the difference is you can't have a boyfriend until you know how to pay bills" miguel says making me hit his chest

"Really? Mommy?" Nessa says while asking me,I glance at Sofia who was also listening

"Yes baby,you're too young and it's a big thing for girls but when you're older" I told her

"Oh okay!" She says before walking away back into her room,miguel looked at Sofia as he pointed his finger at her

"Same thing goes for you" he says,she nodded repeatedly before running after her big sister "don't let my little angels have boyfriends at this age"

"Baby I didn't mean it in that way,you know that" I told him "she just had a little crush but she knows she can't have a boyfriend"

"Yeah cause I don't want her to go through what we went through,I want them to be better than us.I want my girls to live their life before thinking about some boy that can ruin theirs" he stated

"They will be fine,you're just being a dad" he raised a brow while scoffing "trust your girls"

He sighed "just like you trust me" I said with a smirk,he gazed at me as he leaned in to connect our lips

I placed my hand on his upper cheek to deepen the kiss..

Something to post before I write a chapter for •The Step Daddy•

I hope you guys like it so far!!

Love you mwah!

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