Brother's best friend pt.2

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"Wha-what are you doing here?" I asked getting up from my bed and walking towards him.

"I wanted to talk to you,Mason thinks I'm using the bathroom-

"Talk to me about what?" I said crossing my arms,he sighed

"Listen,I know i might've seemed like I was annoyed by you-

"Your whole mood changed" I told him,

"I know that but it's cause I was just..thinking-overthinking" he said,I gave him a confused look

"Overthinking about what?"

He scoffed while rubbing his chin looking away,he then went and sat on my bed as I watched him. "I..I looked at your lips and that made me mad then I was overthinking-

"So looking at my lips caused you to be a dick to me-

"Yes!" He said getting up,I scrunched my face at him for sounding dumb.

"You make no fucking sense,you need to explain a little more if you want me to be on board" I said,

"Alright how about,when I looked at your lips I was thinking how I can't just grab you and see how they feel on my lips?" He boldly said,my arms slowly dropped as my eyes widen.


"Yeah,that's what I was thinking.I was mad cause I can't do the things I want to do with you cause of Mason" he said lowering his voice


He quickly moved closer to me,placing his hands on my shoulders. "Please tell me you feel the same way"

I chuckled looking at him all nervous, "I do but-

He let go of me, "so you never thought about kissing me or-

"Of course I do,but Mason's my brother" I said

"I know and he's my best friend,it's fucked to get with your friend's sister but I don't give a shit cause of how long I've felt this way about you and..I barely see you and everytime I get the chance to,I can feel this feeling in my chest"

"I don't come out a lot cause I don't wanna face you when I can't sit next to you or lay next to you" I told him,he then grinned at me as his arm slowly made its way to my waist pulling me close.

"Mikey no,Mason is gonna-

"So let him" he said,I scoffed being surprised. "Come on" he whispered as he ran his hand through my hair,I didn't want to say no..fuck no.

I chuckled before leaning in getting Miguel to immediately be on the same page and putting his lips on mine,as we did the tension we had was gone,we finally connected.

I felt his hands go all over my body making me melt in his touch from how warm and soft his hands felt,a knock was heard from my bedroom door but miguel and I ignored it.

"Y/n?" Mason voice spoke,Miguel and I quickly stopped and looked at the door.I heard miguel chuckle under his breath as he laid his head in my neck,I then felt him give my neck little pecks.

"You need to hide" I told him,he pulled away nodding before going to my closet door and quietly moving in,I fixed my hair a bit before opening the bedroom door seeing Mason look up.

"What? I'm about to change" I said,

"Have you seen miguel?,he said he was going to the bathroom but never came back and I checked,he isn't there" Mason told me

"I don't know,maybe downstairs? If not he probably left without giving a fuck about you" I said laughing

"Oh fuck you" he said before walking away,I peaked my head out to watch him turned the corner towards the stairs as I felt the familiar hands on my hips causing me to jump.

I quickly close the door before facing miguel, "you scared me asshole" I said

"Sorry" he chuckled, "I need to get back to Mason before he gets suspicious"

I nodded with a smile, "okay"

"Our secret?" He said raising his pinky,I locked my pinky with his.

"Our secret" I said before we both kissing our hands on our end,we both pulled away,he made his way to the door but quickly stopped in his tracks.

He turned around before grabbing my face by my cheeks with one of his hands pulling me close to his face as he gave me a kiss.

I pulled away laughing while he winked at me,he left my room as I watched him go to Mason's room down the hall.

It's our secret..

Yo me personally.I would've said fuck their friendship and get with Miguel but that's just me tho🫢

My bf is leaving to cali this weekend🤧 (I know y'all like you were just talking about getting with Miguel, AND??? Fight me)

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