Rough pt.2

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WARNING:* sensitive topics*


it's been almost a month since Miguel and I gotten back together,it's been amazing.The toxicity has died down and we communicate way more,we don't let not seeing each other get between us

We try everything we can to see each other only if it's for a little bit,he drops by after work though it's late at night.He stays for a while before going home and I do the same when I get off work

But Miguel doesn't like to talk about what he was doing when we were broken up,he likes to change topic or give short answers but never gives the full story.

I was off today but Miguel was working,of course,I wanted to go surprise him for lunch.I know his lunch time and they don't mind people coming in when they're on break

I had a paper bag with his favorite fast food along with mine,I walked into the market.Miguel does orders instead of being behind the register which he loves

He doesn't like to be social as much but I never judged him for it because I'm the same way,a coworker of his that's close with Miguel saw me

"Oh hey y/n,whatcha doing here?" He asked

"Miguel is getting on break in a minute so I wanted to be with him" I say with a light smile,he nodded

"Oh alright,he's in the back.He should be finishing off a order" I thanked him before following the way he pointed at

I knocked on the door as I pushed it open seeing Miguel putting things in boxes,he looked up.His eyes lit up,he dropped the box and rushed over to me

"Hey amor,what you doing here?" I lift up his fast food that showed the logo with a cheesy grin,his jaw dropped "you did not"

I giggled "yes I did" he pulled me in by my chin to lay his lips on mine,butterflies flew through my stomach though it's not a good feeling,I liked it

"Ugh you're the best" he muttered as he grabbed the bag from me "you're staying?" I nodded,he smiled

Miguel and I went into the break room,we sat across from each other as I took his food from the bag and passed it to him then grabbed mine

"How's it been today?" I asked,he shrugged while shoving a few fries in his mouth.I knew he was hungry,I realized that when we got back together he's been eating more now and that kinda worried me

"Wow babe,you've been starving?" I teased,he repeatedly nodded "seems like you haven't been eating like before"

That caused him to look down at his lap as he chewed "can you please tell me what was going on with you before?" I asked

He hardly swallowed "you already know.I smoked and drank" he says shifting his eyes up

"Yeah but you show signs that you did worse" he sighed before scratching the back of his head,he sat up and stared in my eyes

"I..wasn't well,I don't want you to feel like it's all your fault because it's not.Its all me cause I chose to do it to myself" he started

My chest tighten


I continued to rot in my bed as I kept twisting and turning,a knock was placed on the door making me roll my eyes.

"I'm fine" I groaned knowing it was my mother

"Mijo,can you please eat something? You haven't eaten in 3 days now"  she whined

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