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"Play something else now" Mason said

"I'm thinking dickhead,one of y'all be useful and think of something" I told my friends,they laughed as they tried to think of a song for me to play on my guitar.

It was the last couple days of school,they let you come in for attendance then leave straight home or you can stay and hang with friends.

My friends and I decided to go to the music room since they had cool instruments,I found a electric guitar and I knew I needed to get on it.My friends love my talent,brady also can play the electric guitar but I have more experience.

I just played some sounds as we continue to think then out of nowhere,y/n walks in with some of her friends laughing.She instantly caught my eye and couldn't leave it,

"How about you play obsessed?" Tristan joked getting the others to laugh,I chuckled while shaking my head

"Shut up" I said knowing it's true,I've been obsessed with this for so long.I'm always watching her every move or just stare at her,she's like a goddess to me honestly.

I've known her since freshman year and we're about to be seniors,ever since I met her I can't look at any girl the same.I follow her on social media and I'm always stalking her insta even though I try not to,

She had one boyfriend before,they broke up cause he cheated and I wanted to kill him but I only give him disgusted looks and he doesn't know why.

"Dude just go up to her,we're about to be seniors! Don't you wanna graduate with her as your girlfriend" Mason said

"Oh come on man,she just got out of a relationship" I defended myself

"Yeah like in sophomore year" Brady added, "you don't even speak to her"

"I have spoke to her" I said

"Yeah asking for a pencil or working on a group project in class isn't really talking" Tristan spoke making me roll my eyes, "you need to talk to her,she's missing out on a great guy"

"I'm a great guy?"

"Yes! She doesn't know that you'll get her 'just because' flowers or give her a promise-

"Or kiss her feet" Brady interrupted Mason,I glared at him even though I'll honestly do anything for that girl.

"You need to talk to her before it's too late,my girlfriend said she's single and has been rejecting guys from left and right" Brady said

"Exactly she can reject me!-

"She's not gonna reject you,I wouldn't reject you" Mason spoke while squinting his eyes making me smile and wink at him,

"So gay" Tristan muttered as we laughed, "do you know her favorite song?"

"Yeah I follow her spam" I responded as Mason face palmed

"Literally obsessed with her" he said telling the guys as they shook their head, "play her favorite song"

"Uh okay,give me a minute,I need to remember how it goes" I told them


my friends wanted to go to the music room for I don't know what reason,when I walked in I saw a friend of mine with a guitar.

Miguel,he's actually really attractive.I spoke to him a couple of times and I've developed a crush on him but I was told he was a fuckboy but those were girls that didn't have a chance with him.

I always caught him staring at me in class so I assumed that he kinda felt the same way,he's always the first one to like my instagram post or story.When I'll post myself he would heart it and I always gotten a feeling when he did,

The girls always encouraged me to go up to him but I was scared to get shut down and get embarrassed,I wanted to though ever since freshmen year.I know some stuff about him through my friend who's dating his friend brady,

She told me that brady said he's a sweetheart and he's a lover than a player,he said miguel hasn't gotten in one relationship since he came into the highschool.That caught my attention,

A song interrupted my conversation,I looked over at where the guys were at and started listening closer to hear that he's playing my favorite of all time.Two of his friends looked at me to see if I was looking,

One of them told miguel that I was,miguel continued to play as he looked up at me with a light smile before looking back down at the guitar to not mess up.

I can tell that he's playing it for me,he's in my spam and I've had the song on some of my posts and I posted it saying that the song has me in a chokehold.

As the song ended,I smiled at him now knowing he felt some type of way towards me.He looked up and smiled,he got up while giving the guitar to Brady,

He motioned me to come over as he walked up the steps in the room where I was sitting but on the other side,I got up as the girls almost pushed me to.

He sat down on one of the chairs as I sat on the one next to his, "hi" he said


"I played that song for you" he said,i felt my cheeks heat up

"I know,thanks" I said as he moved his body to face me while placing his arm on the back of my chair getting me a little nervous.

"I think you're already know but I have feelings for you" he whispered,I looked at our groups and saw them talking and not paying attention.

"I do too" I whispered back,his eyes widen as his facial expression went into a shock.

"Really? Cause you had a boyfriend-

"Yeah but it was like for three months,I still had it for you even though we didn't talk much" I said,he nodded as he stared at me

"you're gorgeous" he blurted out,I chuckled

"Thanks,you're really attractive" his cheeks turnt pink making me feel a bit more confident,

"Can I take you out sometime? You can hear me play more" he asked,I nodded

"I would love too" he smiled while pulling his phone out and opening it to the dial menu,I grabbed his phone and put in my number.

"I'll let you get back to your friends" he told me,I nodded

"Yeah you too"

"Okay I'll text you or facetime you?" He asked making me smile on how adorable he is,

"Yeah anything you want" I told him,he chuckled before kissing my cheek and getting up walking down to his friends.

My stomach turned as I got up to go back to my friends,holy shit...

I end school soon!😭 my bf and I make a year next month omg.

Fact:my bf came up to me on the last day of school on freshmen year June 24 after watching me for a while!,we started talking on may 24 and got together on July 22

And our birthday is in the same month which is the 11th month ,my angel numbers are 1122 so it's weird!💀

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