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We arrived in Australia on March 28 and we have exactly 2 days, to fall in love with Australia first and we must have a shopping first and tour. Our plan for the next day is to do whale watching in a yacht.

So first day, begins with shopping and it is so hot in the mall. Everyone's in their bikinis in the mall! I can't believe it! This is pretty awesome! After we had chosen a lot of bikinis and other beach paraphernalia, we decided to go and have a brunch in a grill house. I could not be happier.

It was an open grill house where you can see exactly everyone outside walking to and fro in their beach attires. The breeze is hot but comforting.

It was already summer here! It was very obvious they love the season.

While we were waiting for our order to arrive, I excused myself to go the bathroom and I paused in my track as I saw a familiar face walking towards the grill house.

It was the inspiration of 1989, Harry Styles.

Styles is in Australia!? That moment you have forgotten everything but one simple reminder and you lose all your guard! I am in deep trouble!

I took a deep breath and reminded myself that I have moved on already and he did too because he has Nadine and infact, he is with Nadine now. They looked happily inlove it hurt my eyes. I decided if they notice me I would say hi because I have ditched and snubbed Harry a lot of times since we broke up.

When they noticed me, I immediately ran towards the bathroom and I couldn't believe I was acting like a coward. Then tears fell in the shrink and damn, my heart hasn't moved on yet.

I needed to get out of here and so I did. I texted Ash that I need to go back to the hotel because I wasn't feeling well. I walked slowly and saw the lovely couple again in the end of the isle. He was wear a gray shirt, black shorts and shades. He had his hair tied in a bun and his love, was gorgeously wearing a bikini underneath her white summer dress. I looked at myself and realized I wore gray... I whispered the long lost words forgotten years ago and promised never to think of that again.

We never really go out of style huh? I miss you...


2nd day

Everyone was looking stunning in their own bikinis as we tried to chose first before leaving the hotel. I chose the simplest one. After we were done having a girls' moment.

Haim's manager told us to have a trekking first before whale watching and so we were in our running shoes. We went out to the hotel quickly and saw our transportation which rocked among the limousines beside it. It was a monster truck and it's nice to know that we will be with the manager only.

We raced towards the truck like we were hungry children and their manager laughed hard with our actions. I felt normal and I was no pop star nor a country kid anymore, I am now a bohemian girl just like HAIM.

We drove past the city and we were following the trail where some other trucks were heading and all we did was wave in the air and danced with the music by Simple Plan entitled: summer paradise.

"My heart is sinking

As I'm lifting up

Up above the clouds away from you

And I can't believe I'm leaving

Oh I don't kno-kno-know what I'm gonna do"

"We are here girls!" their manager announced and we quickly jumped that she rattled to add, "becareful girls!"

We ran towards the camp where we will meet our guide and there he was waving ahead and we waved back and scream running towards the paradise.

We started the journey immediately because of our hectic schedule and I paused when we were in the middle of the forest. We listened to the sound of nature and looked around amazed of everything.

"This is so cool!" I whispered and the girls nodded as we continued to walk to trek towards the other end where we will see the cliff and the whole view of Australia which the guide explained earlier. We passed by the stream which was very peaceful and saw animals as well.

We arrived in our destination and wow. I looked at my friends and then I held Dash' hand and she held Danielle's and Danielle held Este's. There was silence which was good and we never bother to take a picture. This is one of the moments that you need not to disturb but you just enjoy and seize the moment.

I cried and the girls saw me. They quickly secured me by giving me a group hug and then I saw they were teary eyed too and I know it is because of the drama we were all living and just now, we felt very ethereal and in seconds, we were laughing like fools again. It was magical!

We knew we had that happy, free, confused and lonely at the same time scene and it was pretty amazing.

As we went back the trail, our legs hurt and when we returned to the truck we rapidly positioned ourselves in the back and when the engines were given life, we look up and saw the sky then fell aslept.

We woke up and saw the beach already and when Danielle yelled, we started to strip ourselves and we already are in our bikinis that time we just covered it with our trekking attires.

Our exhaustion was gone when we ran towards the waters and splashed each other. This feels better than remembering all the heart aches because yes it is true that we will still feel the brokenness but we will see ourselves again and appreciate life more and makes us determined to change for the better or even for the best. No burden at all...

"Girls we need to go there in the port, security in the perimeter scouted some paparazzis," The manager shouted and pointed to the little port nearby where the yacht was docked we weren't scared at all instead we felt like those who are in the movies being chase, we had it. We had the adrenaline rush and raced towards the yacht.

We escaped and I faced the girls with an idea, "Why not we surprise them by taking our own photos and upload it so they could never get to sell our faces in a high price, right?"

"That is one good hell of an idea Swift, let's get the camera ready!"

And it was the first official photo of Summer 2015! HAIM + Swizzle

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