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She let the windows down and put her hands against the wind. She was smiling and I couldn't believe she's here. She will always be mine. I can't wait to make my mark on her again. I smirked thinking that the world tomorrow will be gone crazy about what happened tonight. And that is not our problem.

We are heading back to the party to finish everything. Actually so to officially end her relationshit with him. I wanna punch Calvin too. I trusted him to take care of my girl and he hurt her. Way gone bad. He's gonna have a lesson tonight.

"Har," she looked at me and from that I know she's scared as fuck as I do., "Do you think-" I silenced her with my right hand covering her mouth.

"Just do what you have to do baby. Don't be afraid to be careless."

She nodded and I cupped her face,"I really wanna kiss you right now but I am driving."

"Oh fuck babe!" I almost turned the wheels the wrong way as she surprised me as she kissed me on the cheek as soon as I said it," Don't do that again. I might pull this car to a stop."

She giggled and I grabbed her  free hand. Held it until we arrived in fhe party.

It was crazy. The boom box. The famous people. Ofcourse, the paparazzis. They were only outside.

"You ready?" I stepped out first and in seconds, the paparazzis on me. I opened for Taylor Swift. And damn, I loved all their inhumane reactions.

I held her hand and led her back to her party. The people we passed either spilled their drinks or cursed. Puzzled faces and pissed off ones.

The best thing so far was we didn't care at all. A few friends in Taylor's circle said hi but we were looking for someone specifically tall and blonde. I spotted Niall in the corner and led Taylor to him.

She was silent all through out. I hope she would fight and say what she truly wants to say. It's her party after all. I looked around and yeah bodies grinding everywhere. It was super crowded, noisy and wet.
"Did you see Cal?"

"Oh hi!"Niall was stunned," Hi to the both of you!" He looked at our intertwined hands.

"Again, where is he?"

"You don't want to know Tay."

"Oh fuck him!" She turned into a beast as the fact registered. Cal might be banging Ellie as of the monent. "Out of the way!" She pushed through people and I followed her amused at her actions. AWe were upstairs checking rooms.

And then we faced the last door left unchecked. She paused,"Should I?"

"What do you want?"

She bursted the door open. And all hail, the gentleman cheating Taylor for her bestfriend,"Hi guys so this is the kind of you were looking for huh?" She lounged at them and Taylor pulled Ellie's hair. Shocking Calvin and stopping her.
"Tay pls!" She kicked him to silence him but instead Calvin got back up quickly. And pulled her and that's it.

Don't you touch my girl!

"What do you think you are doing Calvin?!" I grabbed his shoulders and pushed him in the wall. I throw him punches I longed for  how many years,"you asshole."

"Harry stop it!" Taylor pulled me and I was a bit angry and hesitant but,"Come on babe! We gotta go." She said the word 'babe' and That surely gotten my attention.So I stopped and she immediately held my hands and led me outside the room.

She was laughing,"We almost killed them."

"We gave them what they deserved! Did you call me babe just secs ago?"

"I didn't. You might be crazy!" She winks and that got me crazy. We went down to the noise but this time she was the one leading me. Across surprised faces and the judgmental ones. For the first time, I saw that she didn't care at all anymore. This was her party.

She led me to the bar and ordered ten shots,"You better show me your drinking skills tonight Mr. Styles!"

"Not with you.Besides I've changed."

"No way! " She was serious and did not believe me at all. The drinks arrived and her eyes widened,"That's a lot of drink! Join me Mr. Styles! Let's get crazy tonight."


After the glasses clinked and finished her first shot in just seconds she took another one. "You wanna dance?"

"Yeah sure." I wanna be with here alone and dance with her alone but I want her to have fun too. It's the first time I will be seeing her this drunk and getting tipsy. I don't want to depriveher freedom which I did before. I held her hands first and swayed her. Then pulled her close to me.

My breathing became fast. The smell of her that I missed. My head touched her forehead.

I am losing it.

So I kissed her.

And she kissed me back.

"You wanna get out of here?"

She teasingly smiled,"Not yet. I wanna do something." She giggled and grabbed my hand as I followed her on stage.

She grabbed the mic,"Hi guys! Tonight we're gonna be true to ourselves! Admit we are young!"

The crowd yelled yes to her as she continues,"admit to someone that you love him or her! Just be truthful and happy tonight! Let's party!"
The boombox went louder and everyone's shouting and dancing! Taylor jumped from the stage and ofcourse, I caught her.

This time. I won't let go.
I held her close and kissed her.



"I should have never done the letter and shit."

"It's okay now... We're here and you are holding me."

I knelt in one knee and her mouth fell. The world stopped,"I should have just approached you, kidnap you, just anything except waiting and told you everything most specially the truth. I love you and I want to be with you for the rest of my life.."

"Harry! Please I think-"

"Shut up and listen to me! We've never been perfect for each other but we ARE for each other. Love will complete us and we've never lost that love. Marriage or not having any that is okay... As long as I am with you. We broke up a long time ago because I thought marrying you would be a deadend but I was wrong. You are my beginning to a different life. The life I am ready to have right now as long as it's you. Taylor Allison Swift will you be with me for the rest of my life?"

The music was too loud but my heart's beat was louder. The love of my life in front of me, just cried.

"Yes Harry!"

I quickly pulled her and claimed what was mine all along.

The party went on without noticing us. Everyone was having the time of their life. Mine just began.

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