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Harry Styles

"Tell me Mr. Styles, why do you care so much?" Taylor made me silent. Why do I care so much about her life? We were over a long time ago and I have a new girl. Taylor is having a good life without me now. I ruined her and threatened her to not  ever keep in touch with me no more. So why do I even care.

I should just be faithful with Erin. She's adorable and comfortable to be with. In fact, Taylor wants me to be serious with her unlike what I did to her. Arggh, why am I like this? I looked at my hands instead of looking Taylor's back exiting my view. I can't believe I let an angel leave me and to compensate every bad thing I did to ruin her. I will make sure she doesn't fall into another asshole like me most specially if ever it's just a one night stand with that waiter!

Arggh! Where is that waiter!?

"Hey! What's your problem?! -" the waiter exclaimed as I pushed him from the back "Oh, I'm sorry Mr. Styles."

"So you got a problem with your temper, huh?"

"You pushed me from the back..."

"Yeah and what's your problem with that. It was an accident."

"Clearly it wasn't.  What can I do for you Mr. Styles? Because clearly you want something from me."

"Do you like Taylor, eh?"

"Who  doesn't. Yes, I do."

" I'm serious man - not as a fan. I ask you as a man. And what was with the whispering and the paper earlier?"

"Hahaha. I thought you two broke up? - well.. it seems you still like her Mr. Styles."

"I am protecting her from douche bags like you."

"Ouch but I accept that because I'm just a waiter. Apologies, There seems to be a misunderstanding from your side Mr. Styles. Taylor asked a favor from me and that was it. Yes, as a man I think I like her more now than before because I used to hate her as the mainstream idol and publicity stuff. I thought she was fake and all but she wasn't. You were lucky to have her back then - it must have been nice if I were famous like you too. So I could say that yes I like her and she will like me back. Truth is, I can't because I can't give her anything that she doesn't have yet."

"So, you are grabbing opportunity now because you are friends with her?!"

"No, I can't do that to her. She wanted to be friends with me in the first place and that I should respect. Clearly, she wanted an escape from that world you all belong and in that process, I will help along the way."

" Ugh! Don't fool me bastard!?- " I whispered to the man and grabbed his collar. He really looks like a professional player up close. I would never allow anything to happen between him and Tay, "Don't ever come near her again or you will lose your job in an instant!"

"That's her decision dude and you tell that to her because she's the one following me around and asking favors!"


There I couldn't control my temper anymore. I punched him which made him silent for  a while but seconds later he just laughed and stood.

" Mr. Styles, I won't do that to her. By the way, the paper was a map where she can be alone and be herself. She asked for it and I will try my best to keep away from her. Only after I accomplish the other favor she asked."

"And what's that?!"

"She asked me where she could get a signal so she could call her boyfriend. So there's no chance for the both of us, Mr. Styles. I admire her though because even she's far from her man. She is loyal to him. I think you too should keep your distance from her."

I looked down at my hands, "I'm sorry man. I was way over the line-"

"Apology accepted Mr. Styles. I know the reason behind your rage. You still love her no matter how much you deny it."

" We were over a long time ago-"

"But you still are into her. And as a man  you were loyal to her in your own kind of way. You kept her in your thoughts covered by a playboy face."

"I'm sorry man. Well, you won't help but fall in love with her if you know her a little better."

"I know her a little better now but still I can't"

"Woah playing like old good gentleman eyh? Why is that?"

" Just like her. I am faithful to my wife no matter how far the distance is."

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