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Second day, Taylor woke up so sweaty but feels so cold. Again, without notice Harry wasn't by her side anymore. It made her anxious.

She slowly stood and felt her knees shake as she walked. She felt so weak but she has to find Harry.

"Harry? " Taylor almost whispered, " Harry -"

Everything went black. She fell and was unconscious after a few steps of walking.

She was sick.

On the other hand, Harry was looking for food and maybe something that could make Taylor feel better. Last night, he should have known better not to have let Taylor danced in the rain - she was freezing went they were about to fall asleep. She was literally hot to that the point that her skin's burning. Harry was scared. He would never let anything happen to her.He did everything to keep her warm - even embraced her naked just to transfer heat but the next morning she was still burning.

It was his fault- everything's his fault. He screamed inside his head as gathered herbs. He climbed coconut trees and failed a lot of times. After many tries, he got a single coconut and the last climb, he fell directly where a couple of small rocks happen to lay. His head bumped into them. Blood went out from the left side of his head.

I have to stay awake. Taylor needs  me.

But the fall was too hard. It was impossible to conscious. Slowly, every cell of Harry shut down.

Darkness devoured him.

*** Three hours later***

Harry gained his consciousness. As soon as he knew what happened, he immediately stood and ran for Taylor with the coconut and herbs with him.

She wasn't in the cave. This made him scared to death. Please do not take her away from me.

"Tay!? Where are you?!"

A couple of steps away from the cave, Taylor was lying unconsciously. Harry immediately went beside her side-cradled her head and whispered, "Tay, please wake up. I have medicine."

Taylor didn't respond at all.


Harry fell asleep trying to wake her up.

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