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I opened my eyes. The first thing I saw Harry's face - all bloody and muddy. Seconds after adjusting, I realized another things - my head was in pain and that she was hungry. I sat up and teared a piece of my dress. I wiped Harry's wounds and wrapped it with the same clothe.

"Will we ever survive another  day in this island..."

I looked at Harry and the place. Everything was silent except for the waves. We are totally alone in this place. I held his hands and saw some leafy stuff crumpled in his grip. I smelled them and it's medicine. Harry took care of me , I was sick all along. I can't even remember how  many days we've been lost already.

Near his feet, was a coconut and I grabbed it. Tried to open it but failed. Arghh, I am so hungry already. I stood and decided to look for something to eat. First try, is to find maybe even just a  seaweed or fruits.

I walked and walked in the shorelines, I didn't find anything at all. It was just the hot sun. Hot sun -

"Taylor!!" I heard a male voice. I turned around and saw Calvin. I smiled and waved at him as if he was real. I know I'm having hallucinations now.

"I hope you are real." I whispered to myself and went back walking.

My illusion of Calvin called out my name again. I cried and thought that I have really gone delusional.

"Taylor" it sounded so real that it made me turn around again.


He was running towards and I ran to meet him. I cried for joy, "Calvin -"

"Sssh, it's okay now. You are safe now. Tay , don't cry."

"I miss you so much"

"I miss you too."

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