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"Taylorrrr! - Wait up!"

I looked back and saw Harry Styles running behind me, "Fuck, you've got to be kidding me." I froze just to confirm I am not daydreaming and when I realized that the figure is true, I jolted into a run.

"Hey! You've got to stop for a moment!" and his British accent was still obvious as he screamed behind me as we were both running and I didn't stop ofcourse. I ran as fast as I can... away from both my sadness and happiness. I don't want to talk to him ever and i don't want to hear his voice because his voice continually hunts me. We've met accidentally in some mutual friends' party but I just pretend he doesn't exist. Now, all I do is remember my longing of him as I ran.

But one problem is sure though I didn't know where to go or hide. I can't even remember where my room with HAIM was and damn, I know it is all because of his sudden appearance.

I kept running until -


"Ouch!" I bumped into a waiter and all of the things in the tray he is carrying were all over the place. I, too, laid in the ground and a bit dizzy because of the bump.

"Oh thanks man for the help," he gestured the waiter to go away and walked towards me. I looked down immediately as our eyes meet and then I realized I could not stand. Now, I cannot escape and my other feet is bleeding but i didn't feel any pain at all. Maybe, my heart is consuming all the pain. "So, you would never had stopped if that waiter didn't bump you, right?"

"You know me so well, Mr. Styles and I think you know me better than anyone here in this ship so you must an idea that I don't want to talk to you, like EVER!" I said while still looking at my feet avoiding his stare.

"Well, you were waving and smiling at me earlier. You must have gone nuts for you were doing different things unlike what you are saying to me now. This is so funny Tay. It's okay to talk to me, I won't bite."

This time I looked at him and he was still that gorgeous laid-back guy I fell in love before. He doesn't even feel threatened with my presence and he must have been laughing mentally at me because I was acting like a child. "Thanks for the assurance and 'Hi Harry'." I said sarcastically while rolling my eyes and I held my other feet when suddenly, I already felt the pain. I closed my eyes and thought, everything's gonna turn out fine. When I opened my eyes again, Harry was taking off his coat and let out, his handkerchief, "What are you doing?"

"Class A First-aider at your service Miss!" he said joyfully and I hate it that he sounded so happy to have me injured, "You should have never ran away."

His words were so intense that I could not fathom what he meant by that. Was it because I ran away from him during our trip in an island by a boat that was the end of our relationship or now, when I was just running away from him. I just looked down and whispered to him, "I would not have ran away if you never followed me. Why did you follow me?"

He was still wrapping the handkerchief at my wound and asked if I could stand and I shook my head."Well, I followed you because another pop star might be dead tomorrow if that's the case. It was obvious you were drunk Tay and under the influence of drugs. You were totally high earlier and was acting so weird."

"WHAT! You know that I don't do drugs Mr. Styles!" I shouted at him and managed to kick him with my other feet and he just laughed so hard, "I just drank something and felt so happy and you should never have gone towards me, what's your girlfriend got to say now!"

"Chill out! I was just joking around!" He held his hands in the air and sat down opposite at me then stopped laughing, "How did you know she's here? uhmmm, well, she's not in the ship but she was here in Australia but she's not invited in the cruise. Were you stalking me Miss Swift?"

"Obviously not, Mr. Styles but I saw you with her the other day." I tried to sound calm and very professional about it like it never pains me to see him with another girl and it seems I was convincing enough. "You should not joke around with girls. This time please be serious with her and not confused her of which is true or not from you."

"Wow, giving advice to your ex huh!? That is one way to 'never talk again to me' thing" He laughed again and as usual he always jokes around with serious stuff. Now, I had enough of him and I stood quickly and suddenly, collapsed back to the ground again, "Are you nuts Tay!!!! You can't walk what are you trying to do? Kill yourself?!!"

"It's better that way... I need to go Harry. I want to sleep now." I said sadly and it is really true that all I wanted now is to sleep. I look at him and he is still figuring out what to do with me. So I helped him, "You can go now. Please do leave and I don't want someone to see us together and someone else can help me sooner and later. Please go."

As I said those words, I saw hurt flashed in his eyes then replaced with determination, "The waiter saw us together already and how will I ever sleep then when I left you alone, injured,and unguarded at night!?"

"Oh please! I can manage. I don't want rumours to spread, okay?!" I screamed at him and I just want him to now badly, "I don't want to lose Calvin!"

This made him stand but in seconds, he knelt across me and his face was inches across mine that I closed my eyes afraid of what's going to happen next. "Then you will lose him if I don't protect you now." In seconds, his hands went behind my back and carried me in his arms while I fought back, "Stop doing that, it will cause greater damage Tay."

"Put me down Mr. Styles!You are really intolerable! You fucker let me down." I shouted at him and it was useless, the corridors were deserted and I couldn't break free because he was stronger. So I calmed down and almost forgot how firm and hard his familiar shoulders were. I slid my hands across his neck and I think I might have come back to where I truly belong.

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