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Taylor Swift

The rays of the morning sun woke me up. I felt something beside me. Oh Please no!!

"OH GOOOOOOOODNESS!!!! " I screamed my lungs out and immediately looked for my clothes. I can't remember clearly what happened last night but it was obvious that something happened.

I can't believe this is happening.

I was sleeping naked under the same blanket with a naked Harry Styles.

Oh! No! I just cheated.

"What was the noise about Swizzle?" He asked still eyes closed. I stood and he grabbed my feet, "Don't stand up naked like that put some covers people will see you!" I quickly covered my breasts and sat down immediately.

"Did you rape me bastard?" I asked as he straightened himself into a sitting position. His bare tattooed toned chest glistened with the sunlight. He was rubbing his eyes, adjusting to the morning breeze. What to do... I just had sex with the hottest guy in the world and I can't even remember how it happened. His green eyes eyed me with my question and I know very well the next thing he will do is smile. He did.

"You didn't remember at all?" he pulled the blankets closer to his stomach because his torso was revealing... "That's a shame Tay, I remember every little thing we did."

"ARGHHHH! Harry ! " I cried while he continued teasing me, "Well, I remember we did talk and kiss- that's it but I don't remember the love-making part-"

"Hahahaha! Such a shame!"

"So maybe you just framed me into this prank!" I slapped his shoulders and he just laughed it off.

"Actually, you made the first move. You do know I'm a gentleman- I'd never do it unless my partner is sure." He pointed out and somehow, it's true that he is like that but there is no way I would do that I am faithful to Calvin. "That's all I will tell you." he added.

" Arghh... okay then. Let us get dress and catch the others."

"You won't bother asking me at all?"

"No because it would be useless..."

"Oh, you changed Swizzle!"

"Stop calling me that and yes, I did change- a lot."

I found my dress, "You close your eyes Har, I gonna change."

"Even if I close my eyes I had you memorized every corner."

"Oh please shut up. Don't say such things." Oh I don't like his dirty jokes. He really didn't close his eyes so I changed seductively in front of him.

"Oh, see? You are seducing me and you did that last night as well. If it wasn't because you said some things last night. I will make love to you the whole day today!"

"Get dress idiot!" I threw his shorts and shirt then I put my sandals on, "What did I say last night?"

"You really can't remember the things you said?"

"I remember bits - it's like somehow photographic. Can't recall our conversation at all."

"Oh come on Tay."

"I do remember you saved me." I stood up and grabbed the blanket in the sand. Harry was clothed already, I moved towards him and arranged his long curly hair, "Do you have your tie?" he gave me one and I tied his hair into a bun.

I kissed his cheek and said, "Thank you for taking me away."


We walked for about an hour and I discovered that the island was deserted. Which I hope not. I placed a mark to see if we are not walking round. "Did you see the ship?"

"No, sign. Maybe it's in the other side."

"Where are the people? Oh no.. please."

"I think they left us Tay."

"We are not sure yet. Let's go for another round. Okay? Did you bring your phone with you last night?"

"It was with the guys last night and when I heard you screamed- I ran to find you." He said. Argh,, I have no time for his sincere heart implying he still cares for me. He shoved me away before and he left me hanging. I've forgiven him a lot of times and gave him countless chances. Still he broke my heart anyways.

"Well, I left mine in my room. Woaah, we are so luck!" I sarcastically replied, "Let's walk for another round then let's decide what will do next..."

"Push Swiz but it's clear they left us. No noise at all. You'll just get tired."

"So what if I get tried. At the very least, I'm trying right? I'm trying to save us!"

"Oh, what's with the temper? Was that meant for our current situation or-"

"Shut up Harry. If you won't help then say so. That's been what you are - keeping peoples' hopes so high. If you don't want people to save you then just say so. All you have to do is say it then it's done." I kicked some sand and hid from his view. A single tear fell and all I can hear from him was his laughter.

"You are acting absurd Tay"

"That's your fault. It's because of you!" I faced him and pointed at his chest, "It's because of you!"

"Please don't pass all the blame to me. Yes, I admit maybe it's my fault because I took you away after running into me in that woods where you got nearly raped by someone you called 'friend'. It's my fault!"

"I'm sorry but I meant you and me making love last night? If you didn't do that then we should have been in the ship right now!"

"-which you initiated, remember?" he raised his voice which kind of hurt me.

"I didn't you are just making it up."

"How come last night's happening be the reason to all your rage right now and to our unfortunate event that the captain decided to sail without us?! and then be my fault? It's because of you Tay and not me!" he almost punched me but he turned away screaming and kicking the sand. I ran towards him and pushed him from the behind.

"How come it's my fault!?" I screamed at his face while pushing him around.

He grabbed my shoulders, "Can't you accept the fact that we are lost?! Why do you always cling to latter happenings - can we now move on?"

"IT'S NOT MY FAULT BASTARD!" I kicked and he fell down.

"Okay now...it's my fault! You win! " He stood and had his back at me,

"It's my fault I believed you when you said you still love me because I still do. "

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