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The medics got to the spot. They examined Taylor and Harry.

"what did you do to them? Both were very weak.. They haven't eaten or drunk anything. The girl could've died and the boy-"

"I don't care about the boy!"

"Well he is in a critical condition because he had, I think a lot of bad falls and bruises already who was so sick the moment you rained punches and kicks to the poor lad. That's why you should care!"

"Is there a possibility he will sue me?"

"Big chance but you will be long gone before he regains consciousness. about two weeks."

"My girl?"

"A good rest and tomorrow she will be good."

"I will sue Harry first before he can sue me. It's all his fault anyways." Calvin told the doctor and the doctor was just so confused how many people would do insane things for love. Calvin and Harry did such. The doctor assumed Harry was sacrificing for Taylor to survive and Calvin would kill for Taylor. She was so surprised when she heard the rumors in the ship that the moment. Taylor went missing then a helicopter arrive with Calvin in it. The reason behind his sudden appearance, he felt something was troubling him and that he misses Taylor so much.

Calvin took care of Taylor while she's sleeping and even reads her poems just to try and wake her up. It took even four days to wake her up and that was when Calvin was sleeping beside her. She saw who it was immediately and touched his blonde hair which somehow she missed so much all this time.

"Tay?" Cal slowly gained consciousness as he felt her hands, " Tay, I'm sorry Tay. For leaving you alone and everything." He rained kisses on her until she giggled.

"It's okay Cal. I'm alright now and I'm still alive."

Cal held her hands together and kissed them both. He was so happy until-

"I'm thankful of Harry and of you for finding us before we turned into dead meats."

"Tay.." Cal whispered, "Did you not remember - he framed you?"

"But he still saved me Cal no matter what. I'm too tired to believe with the rumor you got"

"It's the truth Tay!" Cal shouted making Taylor close her eyes, "He wanted you all by himself and tricked you. I just wished he didn't  touch you or anything. I just wished you haven't fallen into his damn fooling green eyes! " When he looked up Taylor and saw her teary eyes, he knew already something happened. He crashed everything and cried "Crap!"

"Cal stop! Stop please!"

"Why did you let that happen?"

"I got carried away Cal and maybe for I second during that time I believed he was sincere. He apologized for everything Cal."

"That's it? That's just it or do you love him still?"

"Cal please..."

"Tay just answer me."

"Uhmm.. Cal I thought I did and maybe it wasn't love at all when we happened to be together and got reunited the previous weeks. He was the same old jerk I dreamed of but I realized that it wasn't love and all we needed was closure when you appeared at the moment my heart was yearning for you Cal. I love you and I just didn't know how much until now."

Cal closed his eyes and couldn't face her.

"Cal forgive me please?"

"I don't know if I would risk believing you again Tay but I love you with all my heart."

"Cal I was shattered when you accepted me and still remained.. i couldn't ask for anything perfect. I couldn't believe Harry did all that but maybe he just wanted forgiveness Cal and  I wanted more that time. But even if you know I am guilty would you still remain here holding my hand? You could go if you want to you know.... I will give you this much freedom to leave me or not  but I know right now that I won't ever find another man like you and remember that today, right now I am sure I could love you even more  than I have loved you before, from this moment on wards."

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