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Harry give his shirt to Taylor and just wore his shorts. They waited for her dress to dry under the sun. It was already noon. They stopped making love when they became all spent. They missed and craved each other for the longest time now.

"I couldn't believe what just happened Haz."

"Yeah, me too. It's like you really did miss me so much. Please don't regret any of this. We both needed , wanted and enjoyed every single bit of it."

"It's true but we gave in to that temptation Haz. We both are in a relationship with another people. We love them as well."

"The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it."

" That sounds very familiar did you quote that from a book?"

"Yep, I just did. It's from Oscar Wilde's Picture of Dorian Grey."

"I never knew you read books Haz. Do you even have time for that?"

"Yes, when I'm not inlove, no offense and also because you never asked me before. I read whenever I'm traveling. " He laid in the grass and closed his eyes as he added, "I think since we are cool of how the way things were and now. Well, I can say that our relationship was too selfish. We loved each other too much that we forgot the people around us and the things we used to love doing. We got into our own world and somehow,sooner or later someone will get sick of it. I'm sorry that I got sick of it Swizzle."

"I'm sorry that I was so choking. That is just how I love - I love too much." Taylor laid beside him and stared at his face.

He opened his eyes and looked at her, "Don't apologize." He brushed back a curl that was stuck to her forehead. " I mostly made you cry during the length of our relationship but I love you too much too. I still owe you a lot of things and I am at fault not you. I didn't tell you that when I love too much I carry all the burden so you wouldn't have to share the pain."

"It's not past tense. So you love me still?"

"You really forgot what happened the other night? Is it okay if I tell you what you told me?"

"Please do."

"You told me you love me still and I answered you the same. That's why we made love tonight."

"We were drunk Haz"

" and earlier we weren't Swizzle, " Taylor blushed and it was wonderful how they became so casual talking about their shared passion without hurting another. They grew up and learned about themselves and the relationship they were in. Harry pointed out, "I think that's why we need to find another person we can love equally or just the right amount because we already gave our fullest to each other - it's been you Tay. So now, we love them just enough to make us and inspire us to live through the night."

"But we couldn't be as intimate like this to them. That's the truth."

"So you have never been that intimate with Calvin?"

"Calvin is Calvin and don't you compare yourself to him." They both giggled and Taylor suddenly blurted out, "I missed you Haz."

"I missed you too. So much."

"Is there a chance we would get back to each other? We have learned so much and we know what to do and not to do now. Do you think we can do that?"

"That is scary. Then we are turning selfish again. We are going to hurt other people."

"But I love you so much Haz and I know you do, too."

"I do but think of the people who love us as of the moment. Maybe, there will come a point that we will work things out and find ourselves next to each other but not now Tay."

"WE CAN STAY HERE! As what we planned before."

"and we can't stay here forever."

"This is insane. We just made love and confessed we love each other then not getting back. So insane!"

"That's life Swizzle but I hope you won't forget about this escapade. We are both made of the same thing Swizzle and we burn when we are together. When things burn they turn to ashes - they hurt each other. I hope to the day we won't get hurt by fire." He said to her.

"Then what if I marry Calvin?"

"Then be happy with him."

"You are annoying Harry! You know that, right?"

"Ofcourse but you love me," He sat up and moved closer to her, "Can I confess something?"

"We have been confessing for an hour now. Go on."

"We were so intimate once upon a time I can't believe it now. The memory of being that intimate with somebody. We were so intimate I could puke. I can't imagine ever being that intimate with somebody else. I haven't been."

"So? Let's stay like this or run away."

"We can stay like this for now but always know what fact I just said. I hope to that day we will be as free as today."

"I love you Haz"

"Prove it to me."

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