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Taylor POV

"I am here Tay." He whispered. I hugged him more tightly knowing that tomorrow there won't be no more chances like this. I miss him so much and I know he doesn't feel the same way.

I gathered all my strength to stop crying. I inhaled and exhaled deeply. I pulled out from the hug,"Thanks Harry. I am truly grateful."

"Uhmm, you have lost weight." That's what he only replied but I know him when he doesn't know what to say anymore. So I laughed and waited for his explanations.."well, we've cuddled a lot of times before that is why I can assess."

"So that is one way of saying you miss me?"

"Yes, more than anything."

"Don't say that it is like indrectly saying you love me." I blushed and wished things were different. I wish I didn't have a boyfriend so right at this very moment I could kiss him right away. But I shouldn't.

"I still do. What's the problem with that?" He was a lil bit mad I can sense and I was speechless for a moment where all I could do is look at his eyes. Pain was obvious from his beautiful blue eyes."If only my attempts of winning you back never failed, we could    Be together again..you know. "

"You never tried at all Har.
Plus I have Calvin who is way better than you!" I said it sarcastically to lighten up the mood but ended up hurting him more.

"I guess so. I tried everything I could Tay. I may not be Calvin but I told you I would change for you just to be with you again." I was shocked and never though someone could be so sad and angry at the same time. Now, I really didn't understand what he was talking about.

"What do you mean, 'you told me'? We never talked at all after what happened during the cruise ship. And FYI, you never tried to win me back. Come on stop playing with me. Been through so much already for one single day."

"The letter, my proposal and tonight I was just rejected by you again." He looked at his fingers,"I really poured out everything in that letter but you never came for within the weeks I have given you which I told in my letter. But yeah we met ...but when we got reunited you were not wearing your ring." He smiled the saddest I have seem from him. I don't know what he's accusing me of.

This drove me mad and I couldn't help it anymore,"What LETTERAND RING! I didn't receive any!" I stood and walked a couple of steps away from him and thought he is going insane and I'm getting scared. I looked at him once more and his eyes were wide in shock,"Please talk you are scaring me Harry!"

He stood and quickly grabbed my whole body in his arms. I didn't even notice I was crying, "I'm sorry I should have known. I just knew now."

He told me wroteme a letter with a ring in it and the story behind the cruise ship. I was in shock because where has been the letter all this time. I've hurt him more than he did to me.

"So that's why I could never bring myself near you. I mean I want to be with you but I am ashamed of myself for being a jerk. An asshole perhaps is the right word to be rejected how many times."

"I didn't know. I do not know what to say Harry. All this time we've been waiting for each other." I laughed and he laughed too.

"Crazy." He said giggly," Wait what did you say? You were waiting for me too?"

"I mean was waiting for your side of the story but Calvin said you won't be awaken. So I thought all this time ot was nothing because you never really bothered me anymore unlike when we usually break up before."

"The letter was a bad idea I guess."

"Uhhmm..." I whispered and let my left touched light his right hand. He looked at me as I said,"It's not too late,right?"

He smiled,"Not too late."

So I grabbed his hand towards my heart,"The night is so young! Wanna party?! I just had the craziest idea ever!"

"Yeah but before that,"he pulled me closer and lowered his head so he could be nose to nose with me. The old smell of Harry that I missed so much became so strong. I couldn't help but close my eyes and smelled of him. He lets go of my hands and grabbed my waist closer to his torso. This time I giggled and thought how Harry could still be the horny Harry. I put my arms around his neck and opened my eyes. His emerald eyes met mine. He shed a little bit of tears and I wiped them. He loves me. He really loves me I can tell! By then my whole body awakened with longing of his touch and kisses. I want to melt in his body again and taste his lips but being with him under the moon light was more than enough.

The stars and the moon became our witness.

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