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Taylor stood after telling the girls the TRUE story but it seems the girls didn't fully believe her. She haven't showered and changed yet thus, making her feel so tired. She didn't realize that she was still hang-over.

"I'll take a shower girls." Taylor said to them while getting the mug from the couch and the girls nodded. She walked away from them and at last, felt free. She tried to remember the way back to their room but failed many times. So she ended up asking the same waiter he bumped last night. He looked scared at the sight of her."I don't bite man. I want a favor from you please."

"Uhmm,. I am deeply sorry for last night Miss Swift. I didn't know you were coming that way at me and please spare me my work." The waiter trembly said and he really thought that Taylor was going to tell the management about the accident. He thought she was this classy singer who does not look at people who isn't in their level. Taylor giggled at the cute thing happening in front of her and so she tapped his shoulder, "Are you really okay Miss Swift and your feet is it healing?"

"I will not say that to the management and I am sorry for last night—" she said softly, really feeling guilty for last night and she added while looking at his eyes, "I am sorry I was the one who caused you trouble and delayed your work. You supervisor might have scolded your advice."

The waiter whose name was Jack stood astounded. He did not believe that Taylor Swift is really kind at first because he knows that is just media promotional stuff but today she proved him wrong. She was indeed kind-hearted and sincere. His eyes lit up and his heart was filled of joy thinking he will have to be part of the cruise for long. "I am sorry Miss Swift, I thought of you wrongly. Please tell me what I can do for you?" he smiled comfortably in front of the famous pop star.

"It's fine because I get that a lot and ofcourse- I know that because I have a lot of haters. What's your name?"

"Jack, Please call me Jack Miss Swift."

"Ow, please enough with the 'Miss', I came here so I could feel like a normal girl who a cruise ship ticket and so you can call me Taylor" The singer extended her hand to the waiter and Jack hesitated at first but Taylor Swift insisted. So it was one of the best moments of Jack and now, he started seeing Taylor in a different way. They smiled and Taylor broke the hand-shaking, "I have two favors to ask. I would like to know where I will get a signal for my phone here because i know there's this signal spot for this ship and second, I want to know where is the most deserted place in the ship where no one barely goes but a place that is for humans like me."

Jack laughed and she laughed too. He was so surprised how they are comfortably talking to each other now. "Okay Taylor I know where is the signal spot but the latter, I will start to rate which place would suit you best. "

"Thank you very much Jack! I can imagine Jack from Titanic now and very relatable because we are on a ship." she giggled and jumped like a very excited normal girl and just as what she wanted. She felt a journey is unfolding itself.

"Okay ,Rose" Jack said in a very manly voice that made Taylor laughed and posed like Rose from Titanic and waited for Jack to continue," Please allow me first to lead you back to your quarters, I can sense you lost your way." Jack bowed making way for Taylor to pass him first , she was holding her skirt like a long dress just as how Rose held hers in the film. After a moment or so, they cracked laughing going back to Taylor's room.

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